Logan County Public Library
March 2025
Teen D&D, Group 1
Join the party and work together to tell stories with Dungeons and Dragons.
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 01, 11:00 AM
Russellville Library
Ages: Teen
Teens Try It: Cardboard critters
Join us in making fun creatures using cardboard!
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 03, 4:00 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Teen
Youth Craft Kits To Go
Want something to keep you busy when we don’t have events? Stop by any branch to pick up a craft kit each Monday! Kits vary in type and complexity. Branch delivery may be delayed; call to confirm before driving in.
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 03, 9:00 AM
All Locations
Ages: Youth
Join us for our inaugural bingo night! Help us figure out what works best!
Prizes provided, Bring Your Own Snacks270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 03, 5:30 PM
Sportsman's Club
Ages: Adult
Teen BYO Crafternoons
Bring your own craft to work on or use provided materials to try something new!
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 04, 4:00 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Teen
Felt Ornaments with Karen
Create a felt cloud with rainbow to get you through the rainy season. RSVP required.
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 04, 5:30 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Adult
Lego Club
Are you ready to engineer together? Join us at Lego club for hours of Lego building and challenges for you to complete. This event is drop in, so if you can't make it to the whole session, come by when you can!270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 05, 3:00 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Youth
Auburn Storytime: Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss
Join in as we read, sing, dance, and play at Storytime and build essential early literacy skills and foster a love of reading. Designed for preschool children and their families. EVERYONE Welcome!270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 05, 10:00 AM
Auburn Branch
Ages: Youth
Teen Board Game Wednesday
Weekly board game and tabletop gaming time for teens, ages 10-18.
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 05, 4:00 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Teen
Teen Video Games: Player’s Choice
Come game together. Snacks and games will be provided. For ages 10-18. This is a drop in program, stop in whenever you can!270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 06, 3:30 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Teen
Thursday Morning Book Club
Join us for thoughtful discussions and expanded reading horizons. Current books are available for checkout at the front desk of the Russellville Library.270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 06, 10:30 AM
Russellville Library
Ages: Adult
Friends of the Library Meeting
Meeting to plan for the Friends of the Library. For more information on becoming a member, visit loganlibrary.org/friends-of-the-library.270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 06, 4:00 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Adult
Prime Time Family Reading
Prime Time is designed to create communities where children and their families develop a love of learning. We use the power of stories, questions, and meaningful interactions to help children explore the world around them, pursue their interests, and become self-motivated learners. 6-10 year old children and their whole family (childcare provided for 5 and under) are welcome to join us for 6 weeks of family discussion and learning. Dinner is provided, so please register.
Hosted at the Caldwell House
151 East 6th Street
Russellville, KY 42276
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 06, 5:30 PM
Ages: Family / Youth
Projects +
Projects + is a two-hour program that meets twice a month on the first and third Thursdays. Artists and crafters of all mediums are invited to join us to work on their projects individually while being together to socialize with and support other local creatives. Make progress on your current creations while sharing your ideas and gaining inspiration.
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 06, 12:00 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Adult
Storytime: Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss
Join in as we read, sing, dance, and play at Storytime and build essential early literacy skills and foster a love of reading. Designed for preschool children and their families. EVERYONE Welcome! 270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 07, 10:00 AM
Russellville Library
Ages: Youth
After School Storytime: Feline Friendliness (Meet some kittens!)
Join in as we read, sing, dance, and play at Storytime and build essential early literacy skills and foster a love of reading. Designed for elementary school aged children and their families. EVERYONE Welcome! 270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 07, 2:00 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Youth
Teen D&D, Group 2
Join the party and work together to tell stories with Dungeons and Dragons.
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 08, 11:00 AM
Russellville Library
Ages: Teen
Teens Try It: Ceiling tile painting
Join us in painting ceiling tiles to display in the Logan County Public Library Teen Room!
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 10, 4:00 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Teen
Youth Craft Kits To Go
Want something to keep you busy when we don’t have events? Stop by any branch to pick up a craft kit each Monday! Kits vary in type and complexity. Branch delivery may be delayed; call to confirm before driving in. 270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 10, 9:00 AM
All Locations
Ages: Youth
Make It Monday: Spring Painting
Ashley Bull will lead us in a springtime painting! RSVP required.
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 10, 5:30 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Adult
Teen BYO Crafternoons
Bring your own craft to work on or use provided materials to try something new!
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 11, 4:00 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Teen
Adult D&D
Grab your dice and join Delaney for a Dungeons and Dragons adventure! No dice? No problem. All required materials will be provided.
Adventures will continue twice a month.
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 11, 5:00 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Adult
Come hang out with us at the library. Make a craft, eat a snack, have some FUN!
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 12, 3:00 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Youth
Auburn Storytime: Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Join in as we read, sing, dance, and play at Storytime and build essential early literacy skills and foster a love of reading. Designed for preschool children and their families. EVERYONE Welcome!
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 12, 10:00 AM
Auburn Branch
Ages: Youth
Teen Board Game Wednesday
Weekly board game and tabletop gaming time for teens, ages 10-18.
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 12, 4:00 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Teen
Chair Yoga with Angie
Take a seat and start your yoga journey! Try this gentle movement to build your strength and mobility, guided by Angie Pritchett.
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 12, 10:00 AM
Russellville Library
Ages: Adult
Teen Video Games: Nintendon't Day
Come game together. Snacks and games will be provided. For ages 10-18. This is a drop in program, stop in whenever you can!
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 13, 3:30 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Teen
Prime Time Family Reading
Prime Time is designed to create communities where children and their families develop a love of learning. We use the power of stories, questions, and meaningful interactions to help children explore the world around them, pursue their interests, and become self-motivated learners.
6-10 year old children and their whole family (childcare provided for 5 and under) are welcome to join us for 6 weeks of family discussion and learning. Dinner is provided, so please register.
Hosted at the Caldwell House
151 East 6th Street
Russellville, KY 42276
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 13, 5:30 PM
Ages: Family / Youth
Storytime: Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Join in as we read, sing, dance, and play at Storytime and build essential early literacy skills and foster a love of reading. Designed for preschool children and their families. EVERYONE Welcome! 270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 14, 10:00 AM
Russellville Library
Ages: Youth
After School Storytime: Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Join in as we read, sing, dance, and play at Storytime and build essential early literacy skills and foster a love of reading. Designed for elementary school aged children and their families. EVERYONE Welcome!
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 14, 2:00 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Youth
Pastfinders: The Octavius Ghost Ship
Presented by David Griffin.
The Southern Kentucky PastFinders, which has been around at least since the early 1980s, originally devoted itself to Civil War and other kinds of historical relic hunting. Through the years, it evolved into an organization devoted to the love of history.
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 14, 6:30 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Adult
Teen D&D, Group 1
Join the party and work together to tell stories with Dungeons and Dragons.
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 15, 11:00 AM
Russellville Library
Ages: Teen
Teens Try It: Pipe cleaner art
Join us in making weird and wonderful art using pipe cleaners!
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 17, 4:00 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Teen
Youth Craft Kits To Go
Want something to keep you busy when we don’t have events? Stop by any branch to pick up a craft kit each Monday! Kits vary in type and complexity. Branch delivery may be delayed; call to confirm before driving in.
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 17, 9:00 AM
All Locations
Ages: Youth
Teen BYO Crafternoons
Bring your own craft to work on or use provided materials to try something new!
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 18, 4:00 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Teen
Board Meeting
Where the decisions are made. Open to the public.
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 18, 5:00 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Adult / Family / Teen / Youth
Line Dancing with Paula
Join Paula Silvey for line dancing. No experience required.
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 18, 5:30 PM
Sportsman's Club
Ages: Adult / Family
Auburn: Writer's Workshop
The Writing Workshop presented by Julie Cox and Sherrie Pryor of Creative Possibilities is back on the third Tuesday of each month at the Auburn Branch! Writers (ages 16 and up) of all stages are invited to participate as we explore writing resources, focused writing time, publication information and sharing our writing with each other. Writers can bring their writing device of choice. We look forward to seeing you!
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 18, 6:00 PM
Auburn Branch
Ages: Adult
Come hang out with us at the library. Make a craft, eat a snack, have some FUN!
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 19, 3:00 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Youth
Auburn Storytime: Farm to Table
Join in as we read, sing, dance, and play at Storytime and build essential early literacy skills and foster a love of reading. Designed for preschool children and their families. EVERYONE Welcome!
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 19, 10:00 AM
Auburn Branch
Ages: Youth
Teen Board Game Wednesday
Weekly board game and tabletop gaming time for teens, ages 10-18.
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 19, 4:00 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Teen
Teen Video Games: Party Game Day
Come game together. Snacks and games will be provided. For ages 10-18. This is a drop in program, stop in whenever you can!
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 20, 3:30 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Teen
Prime Time Family Reading
Prime Time is designed to create communities where children and their families develop a love of learning. We use the power of stories, questions, and meaningful interactions to help children explore the world around them, pursue their interests, and become self-motivated learners.
6-10 year old children and their whole family (childcare provided for 5 and under) are welcome to join us for 6 weeks of family discussion and learning. Dinner is provided, so please register.
Hosted at the Caldwell House
151 East 6th Street
Russellville, KY 42276
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 20, 5:30 PM
Ages: Family / Youth
Projects +
Projects + is a two-hour program that meets twice a month on the first and third Thursdays. Artists and crafters of all mediums are invited to join us to work on their projects individually while being together to socialize with and support other local creatives. Make progress on your current creations while sharing your ideas and gaining inspiration.
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 20, 12:00 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Adult
Storytime: Farm to Table
Join in as we read, sing, dance, and play at Storytime and build essential early literacy skills and foster a love of reading. Designed for preschool children and their families. EVERYONE Welcome!
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 21, 10:00 AM
Russellville Library
Ages: Youth
After School Storytime: Farm to Table
Join in as we read, sing, dance, and play at Storytime and build essential early literacy skills and foster a love of reading. Designed for elementary school aged children and their families. EVERYONE Welcome!270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 21, 2:00 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Youth
Teen D&D, Group 2
Join the party and work together to tell stories with Dungeons and Dragons.
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 22, 11:00 AM
Russellville Library
Ages: Teen
Teens Try It: Finger Knitting
Join us as we learn to knit using only our fingers and yarn!
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 24, 4:00 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Teen
Youth Craft Kits To Go
Want something to keep you busy when we don’t have events? Stop by any branch to pick up a craft kit each Monday! Kits vary in type and complexity. Branch delivery may be delayed; call to confirm before driving in. 270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 24, 9:00 AM
All Locations
Ages: Youth
Growing in Logan
All things involving plants and growing! Herbs that can be grown indoors in water.
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 24, 5:30 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Adult
Teen BYO Crafternoons
Bring your own craft to work on or use provided materials to try something new!
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 25, 4:00 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Teen
Adult D&D
Grab your dice and join Delaney for a Dungeons and Dragons adventure! No dice? No problem. All required materials will be provided. Adventures will continue twice a month.
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 25, 5:00 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Adult
Logan Speculative Fiction Society
Join us for dinner around the city and chat about what you've been reading or watching this month. Contact Mark at mark@loganlibrary.org for this month's details.
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 25, 6:00 PM
Ages: Adult
What’s Cooking?
Find out What's Cooking this month at our newest club! Share and get recipe ideas and try new things. RSVP needed at loganlibrary.org/rsvp 270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 25, 5:30 PM
Sportsman's Club
Ages: Adult
Come hang out with us at the library. Make a craft, eat a snack, have some FUN!
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 26, 3:00 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Youth
Auburn Storytime: What Pet Should I Get
Join in as we read, sing, dance, and play at Storytime and build essential early literacy skills and foster a love of reading. Designed for preschool children and their families. EVERYONE Welcome!
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 26, 10:00 AM
Auburn Branch
Ages: Youth
Teen Board Game Wednesday
Weekly board game and tabletop gaming time for teens, ages 10-18.
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 26, 4:00 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Teen
Chair Yoga with Angie
Take a seat and start your yoga journey! Try this gentle movement to build your strength and mobility, guided by Angie Pritchett.
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 26, 10:00 AM
Russellville Library
Ages: Adult
Teen Video Games: Base Building Day
Come game together. Snacks and games will be provided. For ages 10-18. This is a drop in program, stop in whenever you can! 270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 27, 3:30 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Teen
Storytime: What Pet Should I Get?
Join in as we read, sing, dance, and play at Storytime and build essential early literacy skills and foster a love of reading. Designed for preschool children and their families. EVERYONE Welcome! 270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 28, 10:00 AM
Russellville Library
Ages: Youth
After School Storytime: What Pet Should I Get? With Spayed and Aid
Join in as we read, sing, dance, and play at Storytime and build essential early literacy skills and foster a love of reading. Designed for elementary school aged children and their families. EVERYONE Welcome!270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 28, 2:00 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Youth
Teen D&D, Group 1
Join the party and work together to tell stories with Dungeons and Dragons.
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 29, 11:00 AM
Russellville Library
Ages: Teen
5th Saturday Board Games
Bring your own board games and make new friends! This is a family friendly event open to all!
270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 29, 5:00 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Adult / Family / Teen / Youth
Teens Try It: Perler bead pixel art
Join us in making pixelated art using melting beads!270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 31, 4:00 PM
Russellville Library
Ages: Teen
Youth Craft Kits To Go
Want something to keep you busy when we don’t have events? Stop by any branch to pick up a craft kit each Monday! Kits vary in type and complexity. Branch delivery may be delayed; call to confirm before driving in. 270-726-6129 • www.loganlibrary.org
March 31
All Locations
Ages: Youth