UK point guard Polson to assist Helping Hands Monday
By Jim turner

Posted on May 17, 2015 10:12 PM

On Monday night, a native Kentuckian who helped the University of Kentucky win ball games during tough times in Lexington will join with an organization designed to assist those going through difficulties in Logan County.

Jarrod Polston, the point guard who provided hope and help for the Wildcats during the dismal 2013 season, will appear at a fundraiser for Logan County/Russellville Helping Hands May 18 at the Russellville High School gymnasium.

The event includes a Meet and Greet with Polson, a Roy’s Bar-B-Q meal, music by Clay Bilyeu, and a live auction conducted by Tim Haley.

Tickets are $20 for adults, $10 for those ages 13-17 and free for ages 12 and under. A few tickets may be available for those who want to come just for the fellowship and auction at $10 each.

Tickets and more information are available from President Jennifer Dodson at 270-772-1425, vice president Lacey Tooley at 270-893-3512 or on Facebook at Logan County/Russellville Helping Hands. Other board members are Lisa Knight, John Drake and Leslie White.

Helping Hands is designed to provide assistance to those in need, especially those who have experienced some tragedy or disaster.

The group doesn’t make monetary donations but tries to provide needed items or find the people or agencies who can assist in other ways. They provide food boxes, clothing and household items, all of which come from donations of those items or money to buy the necessities.

Attorney Corey Morgan has assisted the founders in making Helping Hands an official 5013c nonprofit organization

Their Facebook page says: “Everybody goes through a hard time once in a while, and there are many times that it seems things may never improve. Never give up hope, pray with passion and faith, concentrate hard, from deep down within the depth of your heart and rely not on your own understanding, but trust in the Lord with all of your heart. Call him out, make it clear to Him that you can’t make it without Him, make sure that He knows that you are holding Him to His word.”

Dodson says, “Have courage, strengthen your faith, and hang in there. It will get better, I guarantee you that we won’t let you go hungry, even if we have to take money from our own pockets, or food from our cabinets to feed you brothers and sisters, but we won’t know if you don’t make us aware of your needs. Anyone is welcome to personal message me or any of the four other administrators here at the site with your requests, and no one else will ever hear of it. We can only grant you a temporary fix. It is solely up to you to change your situation for the better permanently.


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