Chandlers middle schoolers mentor younger students
By Robbie Davis, Principal

Posted on September 28, 2015 11:38 AM

Chandlers School is in its second year of implementing a student mentoring program into the daily school schedule.

At the beginning of the school year, middle school students were given the opportunity to select elective classes for part of their schedule. One of those elective opportunities was being a mentor to elementary students during the school day.

Student mentors were chosen based upon the criteria of academic performance, character, and behavior. Students chosen to be mentors were then assigned to a specific elementary teacher and group of students to mentor.  Prior to working with students, mentors were trained on subjects such as confidentiality, strategies for helping, and communication. 

Mentors often help students by reading aloud, practicing spelling words, or helping with assignments.

Middle school students benefit from this program by helping others and contributing to a positive school culture. Elementary students gain role models who serve as examples of the expectations and culture of Chandlers School.


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