On April 21, two teams from the Logan County High School FFA chapter traveled to Hardinsburg, home of FFA camp, to compete in Envirothon contests. Previously, the teams went to Baker Nature Preserve in Russellville with the local NRCS and Wildlife Conservation Services to practice for the upcoming contest.
The Envirothon contest is a team contest which consists of two teams, five people each. In this contest the teams will identify different tree species, frog calls, bird calls and insects while learning about conservation measures for the current issue this year. Other questions in categories of wildlife, aquatics, soil, forestry and current issues were also discussed. To advance to state competition each team must exceed 325 points.
The teams consisted of:
Team A: Andrew Milam, Zach Brinkley, D.J. Price, Blake Taylor and Matthew Edgar
Team B: Hannah Price, Zach Milam, Rachel Taylor, Ashlyn Tracey, Jaylin Campbell