Phil Gregory details changes made at jail during his first term

Posted on October 16, 2018 1:55 PM

In seeking re-election to the office of Logan County Jailer, Phil Gregory wants voters to know that he has carried out his promises made when he was seeking the office four years ago. The former Logan County Coroner and director of the county ambulance announced these priorities in an article on The LoJo in 2014.

*Continue to support weekly ministry at the jail and establish church services on Sunday for those inmates who wish to attend Sunday church.

*Establish a strong educational program at the jail for the inmates. “GED, job placement programs and substance abuse programs are major keys to rehabilitation through education,” he says.

*Utilize the state inmate worker program to save tax dollars for county and cities within the county and assist non-profit organizations. "This enables the inmates to get back into the work force, earn their keep and transition into productive citizens."

*Use good, conservative business practices to manage and oversee properly the $2.2 million-plus budget of the jail “so your hard-earned tax dollars can stay in your house and out of the jail house.”

“The jailer’s job is not necessarily about law enforcement. He should be looked at as CEO/manager of a $2.2 million business,” Phil Gregory says.

“The jailer oversees and manages 28 full-time and part-time employees, is responsible for the care and well-being of a hundred-plus inmates. A fully functioning kitchen to feed the inmates, a huge amount of paperwork, has to have inmates on time for court, works with lawyers to provide unrestricted access to their clients, and see that the families of the inmates are treated with respect.”

After almost four years in office, he lists these facts and statistics about changes he’s made and the work those in his charge have done”


o   Services are now being provided on Sundays

o   January 2018 alone

§  19 different churches or ministries

·         Provides 41 different opportunities for worship and ministry

§  6 different Christian Movie Times to accommodate the number of inmates

§  Muslim Jumah Prayers held weekly

o   Baptizing the inmates in the facility 

·         Increase In State Prisoner Payment

o   For Comparison

§  Fiscal Year 2013-2014: $416,445.92

o   Fiscal Year 2014-2015: $640,244.86

o   Fiscal Year 2015-2016: $1,111,441.76

o   Fiscal Year 2016-2017: $1,591,194.48

·         Fiscal Year 2017-2018: $1,629,272.58


“Any time you can bring tax dollars back to Logan County that is a good thing” 

  • Work Release program

Increase in Inmate Work Hours

63,956 for 2015

$1,279120.00 free community service labor that is saving the taxpayers of Logan County

113,368 for 2016

$2,267,360.00 free community service labor that is saving Logan taxpayers

151,008 for 2017

$3,020,160.00 free community service labor that is saving the taxpayers of Logan County

Mowing Crew for the Logan County Detention Center


Adairville Fish and Game Club

Bibb House

Schocoh Community Center

Auburn Museum

Lewisburg Park

Saddle Club Factory

Greenridge Crossroads Park

Logan County Archives

Life Choice Pregnancy Center

Historic Russellville

African American History Museum



      • Other community service labor for:


Litter Abatement

Parks and Recreation

Logan County Sheriffs Office

City of Lewisburg

Russellville Police Department

Auburn Park

Logan County Humane Society


Kentucky State Highway Department

Logan County Cardboard Crew

Logan County Airport


City of Russellville Street Department




o   MRT (Moral Reconation Therapy) being offered weekly to state inmates both men and women

§  Designed to change a person's personality using morale reasoning and positivity. They have completed group discussions, 1 on 1 counseling, and all 12 steps to complete the program.

o   Anger Management being offered weekly to state inmates both men and women

§  This cognitive behavioral program materials include psycho-education, conflict resolution, pro-social skill building, and commitment to change. The anger management workbook has eight modules, which can be completed in eight to 10 group sessions

o   Portal New Directions being offered weekly to state inmates both men and women

o   In house GED Program

o   Parenting and Family Values Program being offered weekly to state inmates both men and women

o   Drug Rehab being offered weekly to both men and women

o   AA being offered twice a month for the men and women

o   Honor Dorm Program

§  Dynamic military style training program that teaches the inmates responsibility, team work, values, and integrity

o   Jail Garden

§  Gives the inmates a job

§  When there is an overabundance it is given back to the community

§  Kellwell in the kitchen prepares the garden produce and it is used to feed the inmate population

·         Safety and Security

o   Fence around the jail

o   Staff

§  Salary increases

·    Part time were making $7.50 an hour and are now making $11.58 an hour

§  More training for the staff

o   Camera system

§  Installed new cameras in June 2016

§  The old camera system was outdated and not working as it should. A camera system is one of the most important tools at a jail as far as safety goes.

·         Kitchen

o   Kellwell Food Management

§  Prepares and serves approximately 690 meals a day

§  Over 250,000 a year

·         New Software

o   Jailtracker system

§  Updated software system to aid in the tracking of inmates

o   Tiger Correctional Services

§  Money is no longer in the hands of the inmates

§  More sophisticated bookkeeping system

o   Combined Public Communications

§  Phone system for the inmates

§  Families can now add money to the inmates account and or their own cell or home phone number

o   Website

§  Information is readily available to the public

§  It has a current inmate roster with their charges and bond information

§  Has the links to the websites so the families can leave money for the inmates commissary or phone account

§  Has the link to our Facebook page


Certified as your Logan County Jailer by the Kentucky State Department of Corrections

Paid political advertisement by Phil Gregory for Jailer, Dee Dee Brown Treasurer


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