Red River Awakenings announces Annual Meeting coming soon
By Dreama Ruley

Posted on August 24, 2019 6:41 PM


70th ANNUAL ASSOCIATION MEETING - Sept. 8.  Please mark your calendars, bring a dish and a friend. Potluck will be at 1 p.m. and the service/meeting will be at 2. Bro Jim Woodard, pastor of Hopewell Baptist Church, Springfield, will be our speaker and music will be led by their music leader, Randy McMoran. A special presentation of “Down to the River to Pray” will be presented by the Hopewell choir accompanied by various stringed instruments. Everyone is welcome to attend.

24th ANNUAL PRIMITIVE CAMPMEETING AND RENDEZVOUS October 11-13, This is a living history event that will transport you back to the year 1800. Please feel free to camp modern or period correct. All are welcome. Activities for young and old. Annual auction for the upkeep of the grounds will be at 1 p.m. on Saturday. For more information, please call Tom Ruley 270-586-7632.

30TH ANNUAL SCHOCHOH CHRISTMAS PARADE AND 11TH ANNUAL CANDLELIGHT SERVICE- Dec. 1. Parade begins at 2 p.m. and RRMH candlelight service will be at 4 p.m. Derek Guyer will be in charge of the Christmas program. Please be sure and show your support by attending. Darlynn Moore and Diane Krulik will decorate the meetinghouse so it will be a gorgeous evening. Light refreshments will be served.

Join us for 1st Sunday service and fellowship every month at 3:00 p.m.


Apologies for not having a newsletter back in the winter. I, Dreama Ruley, was struck with vertigo for 4 months which impacted my eyesight and I was unable to read. Thankfully God prevailed and I was able to find an eye doctor who specializes in prism. God later healed the balance and dizziness issues so I was able to return to work.

The Ewing reunion was well attended last August. Darlynn Moore's presentation on the Ewing family who settled this area, highlighting Finis Ewing and the great revival of 1800 was very educational and her graphic story boards were beautiful. Ewing descendants from all over America and the United Kingdom were here to celebrate their heritage.

Scott Harp, minister of the Crittenden Drive Church of Christ in Russellville, was the speaker for the 69th annual meeting. The meeting had to be moved to the Schochoh Community Center due to heavy rain. The crowd was down due to the weather, but Bro. Harp's sermon was very informative and captivating. Steve and Joyce Vann led the worship with their beautiful dulcimers.

Sons of the American Revolution ceremony on Sept. 16, 2018 was well attended. The grounds were crawling with “soldiers” and supportive descendants of Peter Fitzhugh, Robert Paisley, and Robert Ewing Jr. The professionalism and grandeur of the grave marking ceremony were inspiring to watch. The SAR certainly gave a fitting presentation of homage to the ancestors and their service.

On Sept. 27, 2018 the Olmstead 8th grade class met with Evelyn Richardson. She presented the history of RRMH on their bus due to the pouring rain. The children were so excited they braved the weather to go inside the meetinghouse. Darlynn Moore provided tarps and umbrellas for those who needed them.

The Primitive Campmeeting and Rendezvous was different than years past. Friday night was a time of sharing what God had done in the campers' lives the past year. Saturday morning a large group of us went to ride on the Benjamin Logan chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution float in the Logan County Tobacco and Heritage Festival parade. A fertilizer truck flipped over turning off of Hwy 431 and blocked the road for hours, keeping many of our auction attendees from being able to attend. Scott Harp spoke that night on how people's view of salvation changed after the revival of 1800. Sunday was rainy so many campers left, but the faithful few stayed and enjoyed listening to Dale McCubbins of WCVK speak about communion practices in 1800.

We want to thank Mark Hardison for donating two tents. One was given to a young family who have started camping with us and the other tent was given to a family who hopes to join us this year.

Oct. 16, 2018 the Leadership Logan class came to RRMH with Evelyn Richardson presenting the history.

The Christmas candlelight service in December was standing room only. Robert Operia spoke about Christmas on the frontier and it was so captivating you could have heard a pin drop on the floor. The service was so beautiful and serene.

In April, 5th and 6th grade classes from Anchored Christian Academy in Bowling Greencame and heard about the great revival from Parson John portrayed by Frank Jarboe.

There has been one wedding this year, Evan Hollingsworth and Lauren DeBoe, married June 28.

Loss of a great supporter. Jean Burton passed away on July 7. Her memorial service was July 28. She is a descendant of the Hampton and McPherson families and was buried in the family plot. She has participated in many of our events and dinners for years. Even in her declining years she made sure to send items to be auctioned at our annual Primitive Campmeeting and Rendezvous. She was a very special lady and will be missed a lot. The family has asked that contributions be made to RRMH in lieu of flowers. We appreciate the family carrying on her love and dedication to RRMH.

The Weaks family reunion was on a beautiful sunny day, July 27. Tom and Dreama Ruley presented the history and enjoyed desserts with the family. Ewings take notice: Finis Ewing Smith is their ancestor. Could there be connections? If not in the blood, definitely in Spirit. Wonderful people! Watching the men carry tables and coolers to the meetinghouse made me really desire a pavilion for picnics and gatherings. Does anyone have suggestions for fund raising or groups willing to donate time and materials? Let's get this pavilion up!

Several church groups have used the grounds this past year. It is a wonderful place for revival.


One of the many storms that has attacked this area left i's imprint on the meetinghouse. Late June a tree fell onto the meetinghouse and left a hole in the roof. If anyone would like to donate their time or materials to repair the roof and the inside decking, please call Richard Moore at 270-539-6528.

The PEWS that were donated many years ago to the meetinghouse are available for display or to donate to a museum. Many of you have recommended various museums and places that may possibly be willing to display a pew with a plaque telling about RRMH. This would be a great way to give RRMH publicity. If you know of a museum, please contact them to see if they are interested, then call President Richard Moore with the details and arrange with him when you will be transporting the pew. You can reach him at 270-539-6528.


BOOKS FOR SALE: Camping Memories at the Red River Meetinghouse, a book centered on how the fall campmeetings began and how God has worked in many situations with the meetinghouse and the campers throughout the twenty plus years. You can contact Dreama Ruley at 270-586-7632 for a copy. Books with black and white photos are $15. Books with color photos are $25. All proceeds will go to the pavilion fund.

Melanie Meadow's book The Waking Up is available through Melanie Meadow or Darlynn Moore (270-539-6528). It is a historical fiction with the setting of the great revival that occurred at RRMH in 1800. It is a very exciting and wonderful book that you will enjoy. If you live close by, you can purchase these books and other RRMH memorabilia, Wednesday through Saturday at The Grapevine 270-539-2055 in Adairville, KY.

This is a busy place and a beautiful setting. It is also a favorite destination for prom and graduation photos. If your group or church would like to use the restroom facilities the policy is $100.00 to rent; and a $100.00 cleaning deposit which you will get back if facilities are clean upon inspection. Please write 2 separate checks to Red River Meeting House. Contact Richard Moore at 270-539-6528 for more information.


We are making plans to add a new event which will be a cemetery tour. Research is being done on these people: Dr Robert Jefferson Townsend (1807-1849), Magnolia McMurtry, Soyars boy who died of rabies, Dr John McPherson, William and Priscilla Warren, Dr Joel S Gunn, and Dr William K Bowling (1808-1885) or any of the Bowling brothers who were doctors. If you have information about these people please contact Darlynn Moore 270-539-6528, Laura Gove 615-720-8829 or Dreama Ruley 270-586-7632.


Repairs and a work day are being planned for the cemetery on November 16 and 23, 2019. If you or a group that you are involved with would like to help us clear small trees and brush that have grown up around some of the older tombstones we could use your help. We need to repair many stones that have broken or are falling over. Some volunteers have already started cleaning the tombstones and they look really good. Also the gate and fence need to be painted to protect them from rust. Lunch will be provided and you can keep all the wood you can carry. Please contact Dreama Ruley 270-586-7632.


Looking for prints of RRMH. If you know of one that is no longer wanted, please donate it to us. Many have been given to speakers through the years and our supply is diminished.


PRESIDENT'S CORNER: When I was elected President at the annual meeting in September of 1995, who would have thought I would be entering my 25th year of presidency at the upcoming annual meeting in September. As I reflect over the years I have served as President, I think about all the people who have entered the grounds from all over these United States of America, Canada, and even other countries across the seas to see this small place near Schochoh, Kentucky that made such a huge impact in our area and beyond over 200 years ago and still continues to inspire people today. We may never know the impact of the friendships and influences that have occurred on these grounds over the years and their continuing effect. It is my prayer that you will continue to pray that the Red River Meetinghouse will continue to draw people to it's grounds so it will live on through those who enter. Please partner with us to maintain the grounds for future generations of visitors. Only through private donations are we able to mow the grass and pay other bills for the grounds. Thank you for your support.


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