News Briefs on the LoJo for June 2019
By Jim Turner

Posted on August 4, 2019 5:42 PM

June 28, 2019

Hall of Fame coach Ray Vencil dies

Russellville native Ray Vencil, who became one of the greatest high school coaches in Kentucky basketball history, died Friday afternoon in Hardin County, according to Logan County Superintendent Paul Mullins, who was his friend and former neighbor in Elizabethtown. According to The News Enterprise, in his 16 years of coaching, Coach Vencil had the distinct privilege of taking two different schools to the final game of the KHSAA State Tournament. In 1969 and 1970, his Richmond Madison Purples made the trip with the 1970 team losing in the finals to Male 70-69. With his return back to Elizabethtown, Coach Vencil guided the Panthers to three Sweet Sixteen appearances; 1972, 1975, 1978. His teams won over 300 games, and the Hall of Famer was named Kentucky’s Coach of the Year three times.

June 26, 2019

Cheyenna Lawrence to be honored

by retired teachers on July 10

The Russellville/Logan County Retired Teachers Association will have a luncheon meeting at 11:30 on Wednesday, July 10 at Crittenden Christ Church. New retirees will be honored guests. Also honored will be Cheyenna Lawrence, winner of the Grandparent Essay Contest.  Members are asked to bring nonperishable food items for the summer backpack programs. Please make reservations by Monday, July 8, by calling Karen Milliken at 270-726-9717, 270-647-0065 or email at All retirees are encouraged to attend.

June 19, 2019

Concerned Citizens hosting giveaways and fundraisers

Concerned Citizens of Logan County will host a giveaway and then hold some fundraisers next week. On Monday, June 24, free reversible cornhole and tic tac toe boards will be given away, along with hair conditioner from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. A yard sale which will include some new clothing will be held beginning at 7 each morning on Friday and Saturday, June 28-29. Donations of items for sale would be appreciated. On that Saturday, a fund-raising fish fry will begin at 10 a.m. with Onassa Duncan doing the cooking. All of this happens at the KP Hall at Fifth and Morgan in Russellville.

June 15, 2019

SAR to honor Guions, America

by continuing Kiddie Parade

Because of the recent passing of Joyce Guion, many are wondering about the annual 4th of July Kiddie Parade, which was hosted for decades in Russellville by Mrs. Guion and her late husband Bob. The Benjamin Logan Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution will sponsor this year's parade: Same time, Same place. The parade will leave at 10 a,m, from the Guion home at 106 West 8th on Thursday, July 4. All are welcome, as Logan County honors the Guion family by continuing this patriotic tradition.

June 14, 2019

Center of the Mark Ministries

Teen Center ribbon cutting set

A ribbon cutting for the Center of the Mark Ministries Teen Center will be conducted Saturday by the Logan County Chamber of Commerce. The family-friendly center and event is located at 343 West Third Street in Russellville. The open house will be from 11 a.m.-1 p.m.

June 13, 2019

Pastfinders' meeting canceled

From David Guion: Due to the sudden illness of our speaker, William Turner, this Saturday's meeting of the Southern Ky Pastfinders has been canceled.

June 9, 2019

Noted Hopkinsville historian to speak to Pastfinders

From David Guion: The June meeting for the Southern Ky Pastfinders will be held this Saturday evening the 15th at 7 p.m. at the Logan County Public Library. This month's program will be presented by William Turner, noted Hopkinsville/Christian County historian. Mr, Turner will present a program on Edgar Cayce, Americas' premier clairvoyant of the early 20th century. Mr Cayce was born in Hopkinsville and spent his early life in the area. The program is open to the public, so don't let history be a mystery, come and learn with us.

June 5, 2019

Cougar Braxton Meguiar named all-state

Logan County junior Braxton Meguiar has been named third team all-state in baseball. He had 60 hits, including 7 homers, 19 doubles, 23 walks, and 46 each of RBIs and runs scored while batting .484 and striking out just 8 times. He also put together a 34-game hitting streak, second longest in state history. His dad, Coach Ethan Meguiar, was inducted into the state baseball coaches’ Hall of Fame and was named Fourth Region Coach of the Year.

June 4, 2019

Ribbon cutting for Ziggy's Place Wednesday

The Logan County Chamber of Commerce will conduct a ribbon cutting for Ziggy's Place Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. Ziggy’s Place is a gift shop filled with 22 vendors set up full-time, all from Logan County. It's located at 471 West Second Street in Russellville near Southern States.

June 3, 2019

Sons of American Revolution to grill

 The Col. Benjamin Logan SAR Chapter members are planning a Pork Chop & Bratswurth Grilling on Friday, June 14 at the Logan County Archives on the corner of West Fourth Street between the PVA & Sheriff offices. They will serve either kind of sandwich alone or in SNAX PAXS with a bag of chips, cake and a cold soft drink or bottle of water. They will serve between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. or until business ends. They will accept some early orders from small businesses, offices, bank or shops. They can deliver inside the city limits for a minimum of a dozen SNAX PAXS or sandwich orders.

June 2, 2019

Unveiling of King road sign

to precede Freedom Fund Banquet

The public is invited to attend the unveiling of the Dr. Martin Luther King road sign this Saturday, June 8, at the Sportsman Club at Russellville City County Park at 5:30 p.m. That is the name for the new Southern Bypass of Russellville connecting the Bowling Green, Franklin, Nashville, Orndorff Mill and Clarksville roads. Following the unveiling, the Freedom Fund Banquet will begin at 6 p.m. with the featured speaker Andrew Williams, executive director of the Bowling Green Housing Authority. Tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for those 17 and under. To reserve tickets, contact Roy Wells at 270-847-8323 or William Woodard.


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