GED students enjoy Adult Ed success
By Diane Crawley

Posted on January 1, 0001 12:00 AM

Logan County Adult Education is proud to announce that the following students have earned their GED between the months of September and December.

Amber Anderson, Amber Ashby, Leslie & Luis M. Ayala, Irene Calders, David Carlisle, Alonzo Farmer, Michael Figueroa, Ariana & Veronica Flores, Amy Gillis, Elizabeth Guzman, Lisette Hernadez, Cynthia Hochstetler, Melissa King, Gary Kirkland, Roger Martin, Melinda Merrell, Melissa Moore, Vera Pendleton, Gustavo Resendiz, William Michael Rice, Jeremy, Julia & Justin Schlabach, Charles & King Shelton, and Jesse R. Stilts.  

Classes for the winter semester have resumed.  Day and evening classes are offered four days a week and in all levels of learning. A computer lab is also available for the any on-line learning opportunities. Exams are held once a month and take place on a Friday evening and Saturday morning.

For more information about earning your GED or brushing up on math and language skills, please contact the Logan County Adult Education at 270-726-8777 or visit our website at and click on Adult Education in the departments section.

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