International law expert to speak at public luncheon
By Andrew Phillips

Posted on January 1, 0001 12:00 AM

On October 29, 2009, from 12-1 p.m., the Rotary Club of Russellville will co-sponsor a community lunch with Crittenden Drive Church of Christ. The lunch will be held in the multi-purpose room of the church. The guest speaker will be Mike Newton, International Law Professor at Vanderbilt University College of Law. Professor Newton continues to serve our government and others in numerous roles as an expert on accountability and conduct of hostilities issues. He served as an advisor to the Iraqi High Tribunal and made numerous appearances on CNN, BBC, Court TV and NPR, among other media outlets.

If you are interested in learning more about Professor Newton, check out the following web address:

The lunch, it will be catered by Roy’s Bar-B-Q and is free. You are welcome to bring office staff, family and friends. However, planners will need a head count to make sure there is enough food for everyone, so please RSVP by registering online, email Andrew Phillips at, or call the church at 726-6583.

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