Good News for November and December in Logan schools

Posted on January 1, 0001 12:00 AM


Each month the Logan County Board of Education hears Good News Reports from the six schools in the system. The November and December reports follow:


November Good News


·         Adairville School earned WBKO’s Star of Excellence Award and a visit from the program’s mascot “Poppy” for excellence in academics.

  • Former Adairville student and Pulitzer Prize Nominee Elizabeth Johnson spoke with middle school students about the importance of writing, her career in journalism, and the many exciting events and people that journalists experience firsthand.
  • Parent/teacher conferences were held October 24-25, and we had a great turn-out with nearly two-thirds of students and parents in attendance! To promote family literacy and participation, free books were given away to all students who attended.
  • The Jr. BETA Club held its induction ceremony on Monday evening, Oct. 28. There were 20 new members to join!
  • The 8th grade class went on a field trip, Real Life Leaders in Logan County, on Oct. 15. They participated in guided tours of the Red River Meeting House, BB&T Bank, and the Logan County Courthouse. They also participated in the Reality Store and experienced life as an adult in their chosen careers.


·         Auburn had 114 primary students; along with their parents attend the annual Family Math and Reading Night on Nov. 5.


·         LCEA representatives Greta Winchester and Sherrie Pryor from Chandlers School introduced Breanna Madison at the board meeting. Breanna discussed the “Connections” classes at Chandler’s School and explained the goals and results of the middle school’s recent “Mix it up” day to promote social awareness


December Good News


·         Congratulations to Middle School teacher Tina Lynch for becoming a National Board Certified Teacher.


  • Auburn Elementary School was recognized at the 2013 National Blue Ribbon Schools ceremony in Washington, D.C. on November 18-19 by United States Secretary of Education Arne Duncan. The ceremony was attended by Leslie Vanderpool (secretary), Becky Engler (8th grade teacher), David Ward (principal), Joyce Taylor (4th grade teacher) and Kay Belcher (1st grade teacher). Auburn Elementary School students, faculty, staff, parents and other community members were able to watch the presentation ceremony live via a broadcasted live stream on Nov. 19. A formal school celebration will be conducted in the coming months at Auburn Elementary School with the Kentucky Commissioner of Education Terry Holliday.
  • Auburn FFA was awarded the $500 Farm Bureau Mini-Grant to purchase landscaping equipment to improve the outside appearance of Auburn Elementary School.


  • Congratulations to Diane Montgomery for becoming a National Board Certified Teacher..


  • A group of Lewisburg students started a campaign to spread awareness on an issue in our school and community. The group, Rangers Take a Stand, developed a website and other resources for the purpose of encouraging others to join in on helping the needy during the holiday season. The group partnered with The Family Resource Center to help with their annual canned-food drive and has been managing a sock tree that currently has 35 pairs donated. On the group’s website are technology projects and an argumentative writing piece supporting why others should join the movement for helping the needy in our community.

The website is

  • Congratulations to Beth Mayes for becoming a National Board Certified Teacher.


  • Logan County High School Youth Service Center sponsored a blood drive on Nov.19. There were a total of 46 total donors.
  • Youth Service Center received Recognition for Service certificate for hosting the Distracted Driving program in October for Red Ribbon Week.
  • Savannah Mohr’s drawing title “My Gang” was accepted for the 2013 River Arts Student Exhibition at WKU.
  • During the 2012-2013 school year LCHS agriculture education program ranked among the top 10 percent of all agriculture education programs in the Commonwealth of Kentucky in 14 areas of the ACT, PLAN and/or End-of-course Assessments.
  • LCHS Beta Club has been recognized as a Beta School of Distinction.
  • Over 560 overseas U.S. Military will be receiving Christmas Cards, hand warmers, hard candy and care packages thanks to LCHS DECA and the LCHS Freshman Academy, LCHS TARS, LCHS YSC and numerous LCHS classrooms. In addition, individuals and local churches sponsored/adopted troops as well. Special thanks to the Freshman Academy teachers, David Brooks, Sharon Dockins, Bonnie Hartley, Marisa Hopkins, Glenna Johnson, Abbi Lillard, Jama Richardson, Alisa Toon and Amy Wisdom for making the holidays brighter for our troops!


  • Olmstead third grade students under the direction of Olmstead music teacher Danny Benson presented to the board Christmas and patriotic music. Teacher Sandra Bollenbecker also explained Raise Your Hand for Education.


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