January Good News reported to Logan board

Posted on January 1, 0001 12:00 AM

Each month the six schools in the Logan County system are asked to submit Good News reports to the board of education. The following reports were read at the recent January meeting.


·         Advanced Ed team is in the district doing an accreditation visit January 12- 15.


·         Eleven 6th graders competed in the KAAC 6th Grade Showcase held at Russellville Middle School in December. Four students placed in individual events: Caroline Davenport received 3rd place in Language Arts, Rylee Hobbs 6th place in Language Arts, Jevarius Robey 5th place in science, and Elijah Hopkins 5th place in Social Studies.

·         Hannah Crutchfield and Samuel Noe participated in the KMEA 3rd District All-District Band at WKU on Saturday, Jan. 11.

·         In Archery news, Shelby Byrum placed 3rd in 7th grade girls, Curtis Shelton 5th and Austin Rayno 3rd in 8th grade boys at the archery competition at Chandlers School on January 3-4.

·         Kindergarten classes presented to parents “Twas the Night before Christmas” as a play. This allowed them to completely work through the core content for drama. Students did a great job!


  • Four Auburn students have their farm safety art work displayed on the Farm Family Health and Safety Calendar: Leslie Poole, Russell Higgins, Gracee Spears, and Dakota Clinard.
  • The Auburn FFA won both the National Farm Bureau Grant as well as the State Farm Bureau Grant to purchase equipment to improve the exterior appearance of Auburn Elementary School.
  • Auburn’s 4th grade class was selected to ask one of twenty questions of Mrs. Barbara Bush on Jan. 14 during a video conference of ‘Ready Discovery Featuring First Lady Barbara Bush’. Grace Snoddy was chosen to ask the question: What issues have you emphasized as being important in your life?


  • Students brought in over 1,800 canned food items in December for local families in need.
  • Third grade teacher Lana Whitaker received an Explore Educator Reflex Grant for classroom software licenses valued at $1,625.
  • Seventh grader Hannah Walker made Third District All-District band, while she and fellow seventh graders Makayla Rolett, Brenna Madison, and Kaylee McPherson were selected to participate in Murray State University’s Quad State Band Festival.
  • Over 700 community members attended Chandler’s Christmas program and band concert on the evening of Dec. 19.


  • Lewisburg School presented “Yes, Virginia” to approximately 300 students, parents, and community members on Dec. 16 at 5 and 7 and again on Dec. 17 at 8:30 and 9:45 for the entire student body. Approximately 40 students had a role in the production and performed in front of their peers after working extensively for weeks in preparation for this event. In addition, students were given the opportunity to perform parts of the musical at the Greenwood Mall on Thursday, Dec. 12.
  • The Lewisburg 5th and 6th grade bands, along with the Middle School band, performed their annual Christmas concert on Monday, Dec. 16. Approximately 200 parents, students and community members were in attendance.
  • Lewisburg 8th grade students visited Murray State University campus on Dec. 1 and then traveled to LBL Brandon Springs to participate in team-building, science activities and survival skill learning on December 1-2.
  • Lewisburg winners of the Chandler’s Archery Tournament on January 3 and 4 are:

Kayleigh Sweeney: 3rd Place, 3rd/4th grade female                 

Brennon Long: 1st place, 3rd/4th male

Dylan Roberts: 2nd place, 5th grade male                  

Mary Mayhugh: 2nd place, 6th grade female

Tristan Blake:1st place, 6th grade male                      

Daylan Lawrence: 2nd place, 3rd male

Mackenzie Yakuboff: 4th place

Kaylee Yakuboff: 3rd place, 7th grade female


·         LCHS Quick Recall Team advanced to the second round.

·         LCHS Beta Club won a $500 Kosair scholarship while at State Beta Convention.

Student winners of the State Beta Convention are:

Molly Bell: 4th place sewing                 

Ellie Hughes: 1st place Embroidery

Chanler Steenbergen: 2nd place B/W Photography

Audrey Wells: 2nd place Misc. Arts

·         The following students represented LCHS at the Kentucky Music Educators Association Third District All-District Band at WKU Friday:

Thomas Stratton, senior – Tuba

Hannah Crawford, senior – Baritone Saxophone

Nolan Kutzman, senior – Trombone

Caleb Williams, junior – Trombone

Jack Mills, freshman – Trombone

Zoe Beasley, freshman – Alto Saxophone

Kayla Pfistner, sophomore – Bass Clarinet

Lauren Batten, freshman – Flute

·         Winner for the Attendance for Academic Success for the month of December were Emma Cartas &Isiaha Price. November winners were Christain Lynch and Ashley Gossett.



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