Sen. Paul rallies Logan voters but makes no Presidential announcement
By Jim Turner

Posted on February 4, 2014 9:35 PM

“The good news is the government is open,” Sen. Rand Paul told his Logan County friends and supporters. “The bad news is the government is open, and we’re borrowing over a million dollars a minute.”

Paul was the keynote speaker at the recent Logan County Lincoln Day Dinner, addressing an almost full house at the spacious Logan County Extension Office. The annual event is sponsored by the Logan County GOP Executive Committee.

He was greeted warmly by fellow Republicans from the Land of Logan as well as well-wishers from surrounding counties. Several of those in attendance first knew the nation’s fasting rising political figure as their orthodontist in Bowling Green. Many of them know his wife much better, since Kelly Ashby Paul is a graduate of Russellville High School.

Sheldon Baugh, who served numerous terms as state representative from Logan and Todd counties, served as master of ceremonies again this year. He recalled Dr. Paul informally announcing his candidacy for U.S. Senate before a small group at Logan County Republican headquarters four years ago. Baugh repeatedly gave Kentucky’s junior senator opportunities to announce his candidacy for an even higher office in his return here, but Paul refused to grant his wish, saying no decision has been made about his oft-rumored run for the White House in 2016.

In his remarks, Sen. Paul talked primarily about how his views on government and spending differ from those of President Barack Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. The president “needs to be restrained by rule of law and needs to understand he’s not above the law,” Paul said.

He also noted, “Harry Reid doesn’t always listen to me.”

Contending that American has “lost the War on Poverty,” Paul championed a flat rate 5 percent income tax. He contended that when people pay fewer taxes, they use the money to buy goods and services from business people who hire more workers. “I’m not interested in taxing Russellville and Houston to give to Detroit,” he said.

The Republican party must change to attract a more diverse collection of voters, he said, noting there was “a time when almost every African-American was a Republican.” He urged Republicans not to advocate austerity but growth and prosperity instead.

Congressman Ed Whitfield, who first was elected to represent Logan County in Frankfort 20 years ago, was highly critical of Obama’s energy policies and the administration’s tendency to “reward their friends and punish their enemies.” He told of a farmer who was fined heavily for killing an eagle but said the windmills which the administration favors “have killed over a half million birds, including eagles, but we cannot build a new coal-powered plant in America.”

Whitfield contended, “The President wants to control every aspect of America.” He also urged voters to return Sen. Mitch McConnell to Washington. “If Kentuckians send a Democrat to Washington, it will be just like voting for Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.”

McConnell was not present but had asked State Sen. Whitney Westerfield to speak on behalf of him. A brief campaign video touting McConnell was shown. Westerfield said McConnell is for a more limited government that gets out of the way of its citizens.

“Mitch McConnell is a tireless champion for Kentucky and for the entire United States,” said the senator who represents Todd and Christian counties as well as Logan.

Westerfield is in his second session as a member of the Kentucky General Assembly. He said he is for repealing the prevailing wage in Kentucky. He noted that he has co-sponsored three pro-life bills. This early in his tenure in Frankfort, he serves as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

He urged his constituents to check out his website,, and said he answers his own emails. He also called on Kentuckians to “flip the House” by electing Republican representatives and get control of the House of Representatives for the first time in 99 years.

A campaign staff member was there representing McConnell’s primary challenger, Matt Bevin, but she said afterwards she wasn’t asked to speak.

Republican candidates for local office were present and recognized. They are magisterial candidates Dickie Carter (first district) and Jo Orange (fifth district), and jailer candidate Phil Gregory. Chris Hightower, who filed his candidacy for jailer three days later, was also present, as were candidates in the non-partisan district judge race, Ken Williams and Jason Petrie.

Logan County High School counselor David Brooks accompanied a group representing the Young Republicans Club at LCHS. Baugh said with its 60 members, this is the largest such school group in the state. Sgt. Steven Malnar accompanied a color guard from LCHS Junior ROTC. A military appreciation was led by Joe Lawrence.

Local auctioneer Bobby Blackford conducted a fund-raising auction. Larry Wilcutt, who became a Russellville City Council candidate the following week, made the first purchase, buying a book written and autographed by Sen. Paul.

Entertainment was provided by The Griffith Clan of Nashville. Alice Giffith is the former Alice Gill, a graduate of Russellville High School. Joining her were three of her children, Laura, Timothy and Todd Griffith. She is the daughter of Jackie Gill and her husband Robert, who are members of the Logan County GOP Executive Committee.

Other members of the Executive Committee: Chairman Larry Noe, Vice-Chair Mary Duff Lancaster, Secretary Zelma Cundiff, Treasurer Barry Kennedy, Youth Chair Courtney Kennedy; Sheldon & Brenda Baugh, J.R. Cundiff, Keith Burnett, Phil & Janie Gregory, and Joe Lawrence.

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