Good News for Logan schools in March and April

Posted on April 18, 2014 11:08 PM

Schools in the Logan County system are invited to report Good News to the board of education each month. The following are the reports for March and April:



Waseem Moorad, President/Chief Executive Officer of the Bowling Green Hornets, along with three players, visited all the schools.  Kindergartens through 5th grade students were given t-shirts, and all students and staff received free tickets to their first game. Middle School Basketball Champions; Adairville Boys Basketball and Olmstead Girls Basketball were recognized during half-time of the game.


At the Elementary Governor’s Cup Competition held on Saturday, March 1, Joshua Lawrence placed 5th in Written Composition and Clark Timmons placed 4th in Social Studies. The team also received the Katherine C. Hume Sportsmanship Award which is voted on by a team representative from each participating school. The individual winners will move on to compete at the Regional Governors Cup Competition next week in Muhlenburg County. 

At the Lewisburg Archery Tournament, the following students earned awards: Colin Williams, Emma Allen, Brennan Davenport, Bailey McCaleb, Shelby Byrum, Curtis Shelton, Daniel King, & Glenda Lynch. 

At the Longest Elementary Archery Tournament, the following students earned awards:   Whitley Robey, Shelby Byrum, Bailey McCaleb, & Curtis Shelton.

At Solo & Ensembles held in Bowling Green on March 1, 21 students earned “Distinguished,” 5 students earned “Proficient,” and 1 student earned “Apprentice.”  Those students include the following: Seth Anderson, Conner Barnes, Olivia Bouldin, Hannah Crutchfield, Caroline Davenport, Austin Epley, Bridgett Farmer, Christopher Goin, Dominique Goin, Bennie Guzman, Haley Hollman, Riley Hobbs, Katie Holloman, Kaleigh Laurent, Mark Lynch, Anna Montano, Kennedy Nichols, Sam Noe, Lauren Pitts, Rachel Pitts, Grace Richardson, Jeffery Schrock, Curtis Shelton, Anna Shoulders and Justin Wix.

Dominque Goin and Rachel Pitts participated in Western Kentucky University’s Honors Band.


Auburn Beta Club placed 5th of 70 competitors in the Quiz Bowl at the State Beta Convention in Louisville on February 20th.  Brayden Yates placed 2nd in the Beta science competition and has an invitation to proceed to the National Beta Convention.

Auburn School was featured in Kentucky Teacher.


Lewisburg School students Jay Hardison, Hannah Goss and Kylie Lawson represented Lewisburg School at the Logan County District Spelling Bee on Feb. 27.

Lewisburg had nine students participate in the KMEA 3rd District Solo & Ensembles Festival at Moss Middle School in Bowling Green.  The following received a Proficient rating: Andrea Arnold, Raven Elmasri, Ross Coursey, Sylas Morris and Caleb Hardison. The following received a Distinguished rating: Jacob White, Maria Wells, Hannah Goss and Dylan Coonts.

March 7 - Lewisburg had three students selected to participate in the first annual WKU Middle School Honors Band. These students had the opportunity to rehearse with students from other schools, attend a performance of the WKU Wind Ensemble, and perform their own concert for their parents on Friday evening. The following received a Distinguished rating:  Ross Coursey, Jacob White and Dylan Coonts.

Lewisburg Archery Tournament was held on Feb. 28-March 1. The following students placed: Abby McPherson, William Poindexter, Daylan Lawrence, Chelsea Sigers, Kayleigh Sweeney, Draven Towne, Brennon Long, Kassidy Hudson, Paige Thorpe, Dylan Roberts, Stuart Russell, Rhonda Reeves, Mary Mayhugh, Michael Drake, Thomas Bilyeu, Tristan Blake, Kaylee Yakuboff, Kaylen Wood, Haley Mead and Dalton Lee.


LCHS Lady Cougars Basketball Team are District Champs! The Lady Cougars played well in regional play, but lost to South Warren. Maegann Hardison was selected to the all-region team. 

Rachel Miller and Madison Abbott signed to play collegiate volleyball.




All five elementary schools received the Kentucky Read to Achieve: Reading Diagnostic and Intervention Grant issued by the Kentucky Department of Education. Through this grant, schools will provide intervention services for struggling readers in the primary program (K-3).

STLP Teams from Auburn, Chandlers and LCHS competed at the STLP Lego RCX Challenge Regional Tournament in Todd County. Chandlers, coached by Sheila Cunningham, placed first in Middle School division.  LCHS, coached by Jon Jukes, placed first in the High School division.  These teams will now compete in the state tournament on April 22 at Rupp Arena.


The Adairville Middle School Band earned a Superior Rating (Distinguished) at the North Tennessee Concert Festival held at Austin Peay State University. 

Four Adairville students competed in two events at State Governor’s Cup for Academic Teams in Louisville. Those students were Olivia Bouldin in Written Composition, and the Future Problem Solving Team - Olivia Bouldin, Keyleigh Harlen, Sawyer Hopkins, and Samuel Noe.

Two Adairville students, Curtis Shelton and Bailey McCaleb, competed at the State Archery Tournament. Curtis ranked 56th out of 329 8th grade boys, and Bailey ranked 57th out of 300 7th grade boys.

At the Regional Governor’s Cup Competition for elementary academic teams, Joshua Lawrence competed in Written Composition.

Anna Shoulders, a 7th grader who recently took the ACT, scored a 24, which is already in scholarship range!

At the Kentucky United Nations Assembly held in Louisville, Brennan Davenport received the Outstanding Speaker Award; Samuel Noe received the Outstanding Delegate Award; Sawyer Hopkins, Kristen Hendricks, Damon Stephens, and Keyleigh Harlan were the Proposal Authors, and their Proposal was passed and endorsed by the Secretary General. The KUNA group received a Delegation of Excellence Award and an “Honorable Mention” award for their Global Village. Other KUNA participants were Shelby Byrum, Haley Chambers, Haley Hardesty, John Hendricks, Myles Kenner, Isaac Phillips, Molly Ramsey, Jeffrey Schrock, and Curtis Shelton.


Auburn’s KUNA was awarded the Delegation of Excellence Award at the state convention in Louisville in March. Skyler Griggs was awarded the Outstanding Delegate Award. Jayla Cropper was awarded the Outstanding Speaker Award. The KUNA proposal by Jayla Cropper, Serenity Metcalfe, Koby Wall and Keely Rittenberry on “Reclaiming Water in Jamaica” passed the summit meetings and the Secretary General of KUNA. Their proposal will now be viewed by the United Nations in New York City. They also made a presentation at the April meeting of the Logan County Board of Education.

The following are the top four winners of the Auburn FFA Quiz Bowl and will represent Logan County FFA Chapter in the middle school quiz bowl competition at the Kentucky State FFA Convention in June:1st Place: James Anderson; 2nd Place:   Maggie Hayes; 3rd Place: Hannah Ashby; 4th Place:  Jacob Haley


The Lego Robotics Team, the Bionic Bears, won the regional competition Saturday, March 29 and will compete in the state competition later this spring.

Eighth grade math/algebra teacher Sheila Cunningham received a Kentucky Educator Grant valued at $1,600 to implement technology-based instruction with her students.


Middle School band members scored distinguished across the board at the 2014 district band festival in Bowling Green on April 10.

Kirby Larson (a Newbery Honor Author) spoke with K-8 students at Olmstead School on Monday, March 17. More information regarding Kirby's visit can be read on her blog at A $2,000 Literacy Grant given by Target helped secure Mrs. Larson's visit.

K-8 students from Olmstead took a tour of the new Logan County Public Library during the week of March 24-28. Over 40 parents met their child's class at the library to sign up their child for a library card.

Destiny O’Rourke, Southwestern Kentucky Outreach Counselor with the Kentucky High Education Assistance Authority, spoke to 6th and 7th grade students on March 19-20. She talked to students about college topics to begin conversations about future plans for college and career.

Results from District Governor’s Cup Competition are as follows: Quick Recall Team -1st Place - (Emily Oliver, Price Violette, Ezra McIntosh, Sierra Beaty, Blake Wood, Savannah Hayes, Andrew Lyne, Harley Robertson, Zachary McGee, Erin Kemp, Chloe Harper, Campbell Hamilton, Kameron Myers, Nathaniel Petrie, Shelby Gettings, Adam Rodgers, Ali Atkinson), Composition – 2nd place-Harley Robertson, 3rd place-Emily Oliver, Math - 5th place - Harley Robertson; Language Arts - 1st place-Savannah Hayes, 4th place-Erin Kemp; Arts & Humanities-1st place-Campbell Hamilton, 2nd place-Blake Wood. Everyone who placed at District competed at Regionals in their respective subjects.
Congratulations to Erin Kemp who placed 3rd in Language Arts at Regionals!


Two FCCLA teams advanced to the National FCCLA Leadership Meeting in San Antonio in July by winning first place in state competition at the KY FCCLA Meeting. They are Illustrated Talk:  Carrie Coleman, Grace Harris, and Anna Holman and Sports Nutrition: Raegan Cole and Sierra Morrow. The Chapter in Review/Display Team, Maddie Abbott and Victoria Cates, placed third.

Kellie Warden was selected to sing the Star Spangled Banner at the Girls Sweet 16 Tournament on Thursday, March 13.

Congratulations to the Logan County Envirothon team. These guys placed the highest in three of five areas involving Soils, Aquatics, Forestry, Wildlife, and the current issue on Sustainable Agriculture/Locally Grown. They were the top team from the West Region, outscoring two teams from the Gatton Academy, representing Logan County very well. The support staff of the contest was very pleased with their talent, character and mannerisms. They are headed to the state contest May 21-22. The Envirothon team consists of Wesley Estes, Adam Wilkins, Thomas Poole, DJ Lee and Will Hughes.

LCHS Cougar Band performed at the KMEA Concert Band Festival/Concert Performance Assessment at WKU on Thursday, May 10th.  The Band received the highest rating possible-Distinguished from all 4 adjudicators!  This rating has qualified them to perform at the KMEA State Concert Band Festival/Concert Performance Assessment in Louisville in May. As all four adjudicators were conversing at the end of the day, they discussed LCHS as the best band they had heard all day!


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