Bill filed to allow home school students to play sports on public school teams
By Michael Goins

Posted on August 11, 2014 9:07 PM

Representative Stan Lee, R-Lexington, announced today he has pre-filed legislation for the 2015 session that if passed would allow home school students to play sports for their local public school district. The proposed legislation is named after former University of Florida and NFL quarterback Tim Tebow, who was home schooled and allowed to play for his local high school team after legislation was passed in Florida in 1996. The Florida legislation later became known as the Tim Tebow bill, and has passed in roughly half of all states in the U.S.

“Parents have the legal option of home schooling their children in this state, but why does Kentucky not allow these same parents the option of allowing their children to play sports for their local public middle and high schools,” said Rep. Lee. “Tim Tebow is a fine example of how combining home school and public school athletics help shape and mold our children into the leaders of tomorrow. We in Kentucky should want the same for students who are home schooled, which is why I filed this bill.”

Under Rep. Lee’s proposal home school students would register with the local middle or high school in their district, and be subject to the same requirements as public school students to participate, including taking a physical and meeting academic requirements to be eligible. Rep. Lee’s bill would also require the parents of a home schooled student to transport them to and from athletic events.

After listening to the issue being discussed on the radio, Bridgett Blakeman of Lincoln County, contacted Rep. Lee about the oldest of her four home school children being allowed to play sports for her local middle school. Currently the Kentucky High School Athletic Association (KHSAA) does not allow home school students to participate in public school athletics.

“I want my kids to have the same opportunities to play sports for our local public school, and we in Kentucky should be afforded the same choice that home school students in other states like Florida, Indiana, and Texas have,” said Mrs. Blakeman. “I want to thank Rep. Lee for his attention to this issue, and for filing the Tim Tebow bill for the 2015 session of the Kentucky General Assembly. I plan on working with Rep. Lee along with my legislators, Rep. David Meade and Sen. Chris Girdler, in hopes this proposed legislation will become law.”


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