Parents participate in Born Learning Academy at Stevenson
By Donna Brown Wilkerson

Posted on October 20, 2014 4:14 PM

Parents participate in Born Learning Academy at StevensonParents with children aged birth through age five are invited to participate in the Born Learning Academy taking place monthly at Stevenson Elementary School. Through a series of workshops, families can learn how to prepare children for school, starting when they are born.

The Academy begins with dinner at 5 p.m. and then breaks attendees into groups, where parents learn how to turn everyday moments into learning opportunities. The event concludes at 7 p.m. with door prizes.

The Academy is funded through a collaborative effort between the Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence, Race to the Top, and United Way. Stevenson Elementary School is one of only 25 schools chosen to participate in the program in the state of Kentucky this year. These 25 academies are the first step of a four-year, $1.4 million project that will eventually create 150 academies across the state.

Born Learning Academy meetings are scheduled for Nov. 11, 2014, Dec. 9, 2014, Jan. 13, 2015, and Feb. 10, 2015. All meetings take place at Stevenson Elementary School.

Two sessions have already been held, but these are the subjects at other meetings:

Session 3 - 11/11/14 - Read to Read! Building Your Child's Language Skills: learn ways to make reading fun and learn how to connect with songs & games

Session 4 - 12/09/14 - Nutrition & Health: healthcare, nutrition & sleep

Session 5 - 01/13/15 - How Children Learn: brain development, ages & stages

Session 6 - 02/10/15 - Routines & Learning on the Go: morning, after work, & bedtime. Graduation

For more information, contact Carol Kees at 270-726-4798 or go to

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