Whitfield endorses Pape to be his successor

Posted on October 26, 2015 12:50 PM

Congressman Ed Whitfield has announced his endorsement of former District Director Michael Pape to be his successor as Representative of Kentucky’s First Congressional District.

“Mike worked as my District Director for the entire 21 years I have served in Congress," said Whitfield. "He was always an effective advocate for my constituents, and he is attuned to the needs of the people of First District. I do not know anyone more familiar with the issues facing our District, or who knows more people in the District than Mike Pape.

“He was involved and influential in many accomplishments over the years including the Land Between the Lakes Protection Act, the establishment of the Health Compensation Program for workers at the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant, the Freedom to Fish Act, and securing funding and assistance for Ft. Campbell to name just a few.

“With many challenges facing our country and signature industries like coal, agriculture, manufacturing and maritime, Mike will hit the ground running his first day in Congress. There will be no learning curve for him when it comes to the issues, the people, or the legislative process. His commitment, genuine concern, and experience will make a tremendous difference for the constituents of the First Congressional District and I endorse his candidacy with the utmost confidence and enthusiasm.”


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