Logan Schools adopting Mental Health Initiative
By Dr. Kevin Hub, Superintendent

Posted on October 26, 2015 1:36 PM

Statistics have shown that 20-25 percent of adolescents will experience a diagnosable mental health disorder, including substance abuse, before age 18.  However, with appropriate identification and intervention, students with behavioral health challenges can continue toward a successful future that includes becoming prepared for college and career. 

The Logan County School District strives to enhance the health and well-being of every student and to help them be successful in school.  It is for this reason that Logan County has elected to participate in the School-Based Behavioral Health Screening Initiative. This screening process will help Logan County High School identify risk factors and barriers to learning associated with behavioral health challenges which are known to reduce the likelihood of student success in school. 

Championed by First Lady Jane Beshear and the Kentucky Office of the Attorney General, this program will not only help the high school identify at-risk behavioral health problems, but will allow the school to intervene early and help families find appropriate services. 

The district will be using the GAIN-SS, which is a brief behavioral health screening instrument.  Parents and guardians will receive a notice requesting their consent or allow parents to opt their student out of participating in this initiative. Once the student has participated in the screening process, Logan County staff will share the student’s results with the parent or guardian and provide guidance on any recommended follow-up evaluation or other steps deemed appropriate. 

Director of Pupil Personnel Barry Goley, working with the Kentucky Department of Education and Cabinet for Health and Family Services, believes this tool will be instrumental in helping identify student issues that may be dealing with behavioral health challenges.

“For years, our schools have been diligent in meeting many of the health needs for our students.  This will be the first time we have the opportunity and resources to recognize mental and behavioral health needs,” he says.  Dr. Goley continues to state that initial implementation will begin with Logan County High School, along with Olmstead and Adairville middle grades. 

The intention is to eventually introduce the program into other schools within the district for students in grades 5 through 8.

Parents wishing to have additional information on the School-Based Behavioral Health Screening Initiative may contact Dr. Barry Goley or visit the district’s website.

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