Logan County to celebrate 225th birthday this weekend

Posted on August 31, 2017 9:54 PM

A Happy 225th Birthday Party for Logan County will be held this weekend on the lawn of the 1904 Courthouse, also known as the “Historic Old Courthouse.

Logan County is listed as the 13th county formed among Kentucky’s 120. It became a county in 1792 the same year Kentucky became a state. It was huge, ranging from what is now Barren County (Glasgow) and Monroe County (Tompkinsville) on the east to Webster County (Providence) on the north,to Calloway (Murray) and McCracken (Paducah) on the west with the counties housing Madisonville, Henderson, Princeton, Mayfield, Caidz, Franklin, and—yes—Bowling Green in between.

A total of 28 counties were carved off Logan from 1796 to 1869, and still Logan remains the third largest counties geographically in the state today.

The following is a description of this weekend’s event by the Logan County Genealogical Society:

September 1-2, 2017

Logan County, KY 1904 Courthouse Lawn; inside if hurricane Harvey arrives as scheduled


Friday – Sept. 1

Registration - all morning and until program at 5:30 p.m. Registration for door prizes related to Logan County, KY Genealogical Society publications. First Family members need to get their “kinship” name tags.

Vendors and re-enactors – old courthouse lawn and inside. Registration begins at 6 a.m.. Please be ready for business by 8.

Coy Edmunds food truck available all day Friday and Saturday.

Chaney’s Ice Cream Wagon on location for 2 hours, 3-5 p.m., Friday only.

Museums in Adairville, Auburn, Russellville open, 1-5 p.m. both Friday and Saturday; Old Jail Archives open for tours but no clerks available for research. Rizer and other quilts on display in Archives.

Blessing of the Tulip Poplar planted by the Logan County Garden Club, Margaret Humble, president, on the lawn of the Old Jail Archives. Tree was planted previously for convenience. 1 p.m. Friday.

3:-5 – Meet and greet cousins and kinships from First Families registration and photos of kinship groups will be made on west steps of courthouse, inside if rain prevails.

Birthday cake and drinks in courthouse lobby around the huge birthday cake.

Games on lawn of courthouse – horseshoes, cornhole, dancing taught by Anita Littrell, authentic clothing contest.

Program 5:30-7 p.m.: Upstairs court room of 1904 Courthouse – Joe Hendricks, presiding
• Welcome by Judge-executive Logan Chick.
• Kentucky Medley by Jaclyn Batchelor and Emma Dane, Belmont students.
• Presentation of colors by ROTC group from Logan County High.
• Presentation by Betsy Ross of her life in this era, credited with designing the American Flag. Presentation by Mrs. Francis Scott Key about the 15 star and stripe flag inspiring “The Star Spangled Banner.”
• Solo by Iris Perez, “The Star Spangled Banner.”
Circuit Judge Tyler Gill – “Logan County in the Early Years.”
• Kentucky Historical Society “What Makes Kentucky Kentucky?”

Saturday,Sept. 2
• Open houses at McCutchen Meadows and Dawson-Hunt home, 10-3; Auburn, Adairville, and West Kentucky Afro-American Research Center, Logan County, KY Archives open. Russellville walking tour of historic homes. Visit Shaker grounds near Auburn, Red River Cemetery near Adairville and other sites. 
Vendors and re-enactors continue at court house on Saturday.


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