Writer to portray historic rider Thursday in Logan

Posted on April 17, 2018 3:18 PM

A famed Kentucky jockey who “beat the odds,” will come to life in Russellville this Thursday from 6-8 p.m. at the Historic Old Courthouse.

The Kentucky Humanities Council will present a Kentucky Chautauqua Program featuring Eddie Price as Kentucky Derby Winner Roscoe Tarleton Goose. The family-friendly program is free to the public.

Eddie Price is a retired history teacher who now writes award-winning books. Widder’s Landing, a historical novel set in Kentucky in 1811-1815, has won gold medals for “Best Historical Fiction” at the Readers’ Favorite Awards and the National Literary Habitat Awards, and was honored by the U.S. Daughters of 1812 with the “Spirit of 1812 Award.”  

His children’s books, Little Miss Grubby Toes Steps on a Bee! and Little Miss Grubby Toes Plays With Fire! are illustrated by Mark Wayne Adams. 

Eddie has won gold medals at the Readers’ Favorite Awards, the Florida Authors & Publishers Association, and the Mom’s Choice Awards. He is a world traveler who enjoys bicycling, horseback riding, and swimming. He and his wife Mary now live in Hancock County. He has two daughters, Sheena and Breanne.

Eddie will be selling and signing his books after the program is completed.

Arrive early to enjoy pre-event entertainment provided by the Thumbpickers Hall of Fame. Performing will be Joe Hudson and Paul Moseley, from the Muhlenberg- Thumbpickers Hall of Fame and Merle Travis Performance Theatre in Powderly. Music will start at 6:15!

Pete Lehman is the event organizer and David Scott is providing the sound system.


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