Gilbert, Wilkerson, Coursey, McReynolds lead RHS Class of 2018
By Penni Nugent

Posted on May 29, 2018 10:24 PM


The 2018 Commencement for Russellville High School graduating seniors was held Saturday, May 26, at 10 a.m. in the Jim Young Gymnasium with a packed house.

The traditional “Pomp and Circumstance” was played by the Russellville High School Band as the graduates followed the board members, administration, teachers, and staff into the gym. The band also played the National Anthem as the crowd stood.

RJSHS Principal Ben Brun spoke the opening remarks, and second-year math instructor Jeremy Bivins was the guest speaker. Superintendent Bart Flener shared some thoughts and gave encouragement to the graduates. RHS Assistant Principal Cameron Jackson presented the Ambassadors.

Medina Tipton presented the “Coach Matt Tipton Memorial Scholarship” in honor of her father to graduate DeNarria Terry; and Russellville Councilman Jimmy Davenport presented the deGraffenried Award to Emma McReynolds.

The top seniors were recognized: Austin Coursey and Emma McReynolds, Salutatorians; Ashlee Gilbert and Philip Wilkerson, Co-Valedictorians.

Superintendent Flener and Board Chairman James C. Milam, announced the confirmation of graduates, with Senior Coordinator Lauren Fynboe, announcing each name while Principal Bruni presented them their diplomas.

Emma McReynolds led the singing for the RHS Alma Mater, and Principal Bruni presented to the crowd the Graduating Class of 2018, followed by the “traditional cap toss”.

Graduating Seniors were Hunter Armistead, Zachary Baskerville, Gabrielle Bellamy, Laskysha Bigbee, Bryce Bollenbecker, Shanda Brown, Cole Celsor, Brock Cleary, Austin Coursey, Devon Craig, Alexis Creek, Victoria Day, Lyndsay Dodson, Corey Dowlen, Akeem Dukes, Kaleigh Epley, Ashlee Gilbert, Taurice Gordon, Skyler Hale, TaJada Hampton, Loren Hendley, Susanna Higgins, Ti'Jara Hunt, Brandon Johns;

Rebecca Justice, Alissa Kennedy, Kobe Kerr, William Landaverde, Rachel Lewis, Logan Long, Jacob Lyne, Jacolbie Mason, Emma McReynolds, Israel Melchor-Campos, MyKayla Merrell, Shailyn Milan, Connie Mireles, Ethan Moore, Madison Morrow, William Mullen, Jailin Munday, Luis Pacheco-Ramirez;

Ann Katherine Paul, Carleigh Phillips, Gabriella Poirier, Dillon Porter, Devin Quarles, Julyza Ramirez Cruz, Miguel Ramirez, Tabien Richardson, Tahjae Richardson, Javaren Robey, Fernanda Rodriguez, Seirra Rose, Rebecca Ross, Katelin Shultz, Megan Simpson, Antonesha Spaulding, Tristan Stratton, Alexandria Suiter, Nelson Suiter, DeNarria Terry, Lily Thompson, Kristin Vanzant, Angela Whitmer, Phillip Wilkerson, Lucinda Wilkinson, Adam Williams, Brittany Williams, Victoria Williams, and Dondrejus Woodard.

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