Russellville's Mallory named to board that helps former inmates have productive lives
By Mark Brooks, SKYCTC

Posted on January 20, 2023 11:03 AM

 Samantha Mallory, Associate Director of SKY Educational Opportunity Centers, a TRIO program at Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College (SKYCTC), has been appointed to the Board of Directors of the Southern Kentucky Reentry Council.

The Southern Kentucky Reentry Council is a non-profit organization that covers the area of the South-Central Kentucky region, made up of Logan, Simpson, Butler, Warren, Edmonson, Hart, Barren, Allen, Metcalfe, and Monroe counties. Their goal is to address barriers to the justice-involved population by reducing recidivism and victimization for them to be successful in our communities. By accomplishing this, the program seeks to reduce the costs of incarceration and increase public safety while helping persons with criminal histories become contributing members of society.

Samantha ‘Sam’ Mallory lives in Russellville with her husband Ben and their children.

Mallory played an integral part in the design and implementation of a partnership between SKYCTC and the Simpson County Detention Center (SCDC) called SKY DIVE: Southcentral Kentucky Developing the Incarcerated with a Valuable Education.

“This is the perfect next step to reduce recidivism rates and boost career development opportunities in Southcentral Kentucky,” said Kelcie Richart, Campus Director of SKYCTC’s Franklin-Simpson Center. Richart and Samantha Mallory have contributed to the SKY DIVE program by assisting inmates with the SKYCTC admission application, transcript requests, placement testing, and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

“I am so grateful and honored to serve our community in this capacity,” says Mallory. “The Southern Kentucky Reentry Council is already doing fantastic work in our region to connect justice-involved individuals to resources and opportunities to facilitate their successful reentry into society. I hope to be able to contribute support and information regarding postsecondary opportunities that will result in gainful employment and productive citizenship.”


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