Logan schools, community unite to help make Christmases brighter

Posted on January 5, 2016 9:36 PM

As families in Logan County struggle financially to meet sometimes even basic needs, the holiday season can present many challenges for families. Some who had little to begin with now have less and are working harder every day to make it to tomorrow. These same families who are struggling to meet the financial demands of day-to-day life often question how they might provide a gift or two for their children on Christmas Day.
Every child deserves to experience the joy of Christmas morning. And thanks to the generosity of the citizens, churches, and businesses of Logan County, many children woke up to a wonderful Christmas morning. Each year the Family Resource and Youth Service Centers in our schools take applications for children ages 0-18 to receive new clothing and wish list items for Christmas.
“It is a very busy but rewarding time of year for our Centers,” says Hope Strode, director of the Auburn/Chandlers/Olmstead Centers.
After receiving applications leaders turn to the community to help meet the needs of our students. Some people will sponsor angels and shop for them, the wish list given to the sponsor is thoughtfully prepared by the child’s parents or the Family Resource Center, so the sponsor knows that he/she is buying something the child both needs and will be excited to open on Christmas morning. Others help through monetary donations, and others collect new toys. Teachers and staff also contribute by adopting students and referring students in need. Corporations often adopt a whole family and even provide food and extra things for the family. This year Logan Telephone Cooperative not only provided Christmas gifts of toys and clothes but food, and new beds for students in need.
Jama Richardson, YSC director at Logan County High School, said, “We even made two deliveries on Christmas Eve, one to a student whose mother has recently passed away and one to a family that I had been told was in need, They actually hadn’t asked for assistance but were very grateful when the YSC elf showed up with gifts. One student that did not have a bed received a bed for Christmas through the help of an LCHS teacher!”
This year in the six Logan County Schools helped over 500 students received gifts through the Christmas Program. They also work closely with Agape and Brother Joe’s Family Christmas to ensure that families are only served by one program. Brother Joe’s Family Christmas also helps to meet needs of some of our students that we have not found a sponsor for. Some families also received food boxes for the holiday.
“It is a true picture of a community working together to bring joy to its children at Christmas.” Melanie Manley, FRYSC director for Adairville and Lewisburg Schools. “We would like to thank everyone who participated for helping our students have a great Christmas.”

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