4-H members earn championships and blue ribbons, qualify for state
By Jim Turner

Posted on June 21, 2017 8:20 PM

Nine Logan County 4-H Club members exhibited items associated with their projects at the Logan County Fair last week. Their exhibits, including their ribbons, were on display Saturday in the Cloverville section of the Logan County Extension Office.

Most of them qualified to send their exhibits to the Kentucky State Fair in mid-August in Louisville by winning class champions.

Ally White earned four blue ribbons and four class championships, three of them in photography and one in horticulture with her herb garden.

Also getting four blues and class championships was Maddox Taylor. Three of hers ere in photography and the fourth in home environment—bulletin board. She also received a red ribbon on her brownies.

Three blues and class championships went to Warren Whitson, all in horticulture. They were in beans, hot peppers and heirloom tomatoes. He received a red in food preservation—dill pickles, but as told how to upgrade his exhibit to make it state worthy.

Jenna Coles was three for three, getting a blue and class champion in each category she entered. They came in arts and crafts, brownies and biscuits.

Casey Taylor picked up a pair of blues in wheat crops and scones plus a red in brownies.

Mariah Perdue won both classes she entered, both of them in arts and crafts.

Earning three blue ribbons was Delaney Wright. They came in scones, bulletin board and herb garden.

A red ribbon in food preservation—green beans went to Mallory Whitson, but she could go to state by changing the jar size.

Jace Coles earned a geology blue ribbon, but he’s not eligible for the state fair because of his age. He is a Cloverbud preparing for full 4-H membership.

Carrie Tilghman Derossett is the Logan County 4-H Agent.

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