Ava Mayes selling goodies in honor of her special needs brothers

Posted on July 25, 2018 1:08 PM


Young Logan County couple Michael and Amanda Mayes are parents of two special needs sons and one with a rare heart defect.

Ava, their 7-year-old daughter, asked if she could raise money to help her brothers in some way! Amanda is a vendor at the Logan County Farmers’ Market on Saturdays.

So, the next three weekends at Farmers Market in Russellville, Ava will be selling different baked goods (two kinds each weekend) to raise money for three different local organizations.

 Weekend 1: Logan County Schools Special Education Department
Weekend 2: Camp for Courageous Kids
Weekend 3: Logan County Special Olympics

“My daughter has a heart of gold! Please share this as many times as possible via FB or word of mouth so that she can feel like she’s made an impact for her brothers and community,” her mom says.

John 15:12-- My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.

The Mayes family as shown in the picture consists of, from left, Amanda, Gabriel, Michael, Caleb, Ava (bottom left), and Elijah (bottom right)! Ava is holding Caleb in the other picture.s


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