SkillsUSA team preps, raises funds for nationals
By Melissa Jones

Posted on January 1, 0001 12:00 AM

SkillsUSA is a National Student Organization that serves over 300,000 teachers and student members. SkillsUSA’s mission is to empower its members to become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens. Two of the components used to do that are Skill related and Leadership Competitions.

In April the Russellville ATC sent a team of seven students to compete for the state title in Opening and Closing Ceremonies at the 2013 SkillsUSA State Leadership and Skills Conference. Their Gold Medal performance is sending them to Kansas City, Mo. June 24 – 28 to compete against the best of the best from 52 states and territorial associations in the National Competition. These students spend countless hours memorizing the script for this formal ceremony; they had to learn to work as a team as they coordinated their every move; and last but not least they had to overcome their fears and apprehensions of Public Speaking.

The team is made up of Chris Webster, Madison Anderson, Jacob Hughes, Jessie Lack, Brandon Marcum, Amanda Shoemake and Brent Richey. These students have been working diligently to raise the needed $4,500 to attend the National Competition. We are still lacking some funds but will be having a yard sale June 6 – 8 in the parking lot of Russellville High School. Community members may stop by Russellville Area Technology Center Monday – Friday from 8 – 3 to drop off monetary donations, or items they would like to donate for our yard sale, or you may join us to shop during the yard sale.

We will also be having a “Showcase Celebration” where the SkillsUSA KY Opening and Closing Ceremonies team will be performing a demonstration of their performance. This will be held at New Life Baptist Church on June 18 at 6 p.m., and the community is encouraged to come out and support this great group of students. Refreshments will be served and are being provided by the NLBC Women’s Ministry Group.

Shown in the photo, from left: Brandon Marcum, Madison Anderson, Chris Webster, Jacob Hughes, Jessie Lack, Amanda Shoemake and Brent Richey.

Melissa Herderhorst Jones teaches at Russellville Area Technology Center and coaches the SkillsUSA team.

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