Musings from The Nest on Plate Filling
By Merry Lee Brewer

Posted on January 1, 0001 12:00 AM

We all have a plate . . . some are fuller than others . . . some of us are looking around trying to decide what to put on it. How do we decide what we’re going to put on our plate? The answer seems to be simple enough: If we don’t like it, it ain’t goin’ on our plate.

Why can’t it be that simple discerning when it comes to filling our lives? Maybe it’s because we want to please all the people all the time. Maybe it’s because there are so many fun things to do. And then there’s the possibility that we can’t decide between better and best. Do we consider the end results? Short term . . . Long term.

When we’re trying to decide what to put on our plate (or in our lives), some simple questions to consider are:

Does it make me sing? Many of us don’t listen to what makes us sing. Does it put pep in our step? Do we feel rejuvenated when we’re doing it? Does it put a smile in our heart or on our face?

What are the benefits? What are the drawbacks? What rewards are there going to be? Does it matter? Is it going to take too much time? Do I have the time to do it right? Do the benefits outweigh the drawbacks?

Can I really do what I’m setting out to do? What skills will it take to do it? Do I have them? Do I need to learn any new skills in order to do it right? What if I find out I can’t do it? Am I going to be embarrassed?

Will it hurt anyone if I do it? Sometimes we don’t need to do things because someone will be hurt by our actions. Do we want that on our conscience? Can we live with the outcome? Is it really that important?

Will it help anyone? Most of our time is spent helping someone – whether it’s a family member, ourselves, a dear friend, or an acquaintance or a cause we’re particularly interested in. What’s the real reason we want it on our plate?

Asking ourselves these questions will help us discern between what we can do or should do or want to do when deciding what to put on our plate or in our lives. Not necessarily real simple, but it can help the outcome.

Happy plate filling.

Merry Lee Brewer is a part-time real estate agent and full-time mother, wife and grandmother. She and her husband Roger live in North Logan.

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