Health educators urge SES students to wash hands properly
By Donna Brown Wilkerson

Posted on August 11, 2014 9:31 PM

The Stevenson Elementary Family Resource Center collaborates with the Logan County Health Department throughout the year to bring health related programs into the school. Monday, representatives of the Health Department reviewed proper hand washing procedures with students. 

During classroom visits with K-5 students, Brandy Trimble and Kathy Thweatt reviewed the importance of protecting others from our coughs and sneezes, as well as the proper procedures for hand washing. They also reminded students that, when performed frequently and properly, hand washing reduces the spread of colds, flu, and other contagious diseases.

The reps used several simple illustrations to bring their teaching to life in the classrooms. Among those illustrations were small spray bottles filled with water and a ball. The spray bottles filled with water brought to life the concept of how germs spread by uncovered coughs and sneezes, and the ball passed between just a few of the students in the classroom helped provide all of the students with a clear understanding of how easily germs can be spread from person to person by touched objects.

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