Superintendents commend local school board members
By Leon Smith and Kevin Hub

Posted on January 5, 2016 2:10 PM

Changes are coming in K-12 education at the national level with passage of the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), with the potential for more change at the state level at a time when the Commonwealth’s new budget will be squeezed.

When changes from both directions filter down to the local level, they land squarely on local school boards, including our own Russellville and Logan County Boards of Education. These school board members must carry out those changes through policy and budgeting, perhaps with a dose of innovation. They also must be prepared to communicate those changes in the check-out line at the local supermarket, at a PTA meeting or in the parking lot after church.

School Board Recognition Month in January is a good time to recognize the outstanding public service of our Russellville and Logan County school board members. Serving Russellville: Chairman James C. Milam, Davonna Page, Phillip West, Lovis Patterson, and David Corbin. Serving Logan County: Chairman Kenneth Robertson, Vice Chairman John Dawson, Ralph Cropper, Tim Hall, Phil Baker.

Their work is buffeted by change at all levels that must be balanced against their No. 1 priority: improving the academic achievement and the opportunities for the students of their district, while also helping meet the needs of children with barriers to that improvement.

To keep up with this ever-changing education climate, these school board members must spend hours in professional development and preparation of all kinds, from formal training to earn state-required credit hours to reviewing documents and reports prior to a school board meeting to studying education trends through news media reports.

Please take the opportunity this month to join us in thanking the school board members of Russellville and Logan County and let them know that while events around them change, you appreciate their unwavering stand for the children of this community.


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