Russellville superintendent praises everyone's handling of first week of school during pandemic
By Larry Joe Begley, Russellville Superintendent

Posted on August 14, 2021 7:31 PM


As I reflect on the first week, I first want to say that without the commitment of our students, staff and community...we would not have had the opening we had. I know there were struggles, but everyone’s commitment made it possible to get our kids in our care.

I have learned a tremendous amount this week from our kids, staff and community. I have learned that we have people that persevere. There were a couple things came up that tested our patience, tested our preparation and tested our commitment.

During this time, we are all learning. I definitely see things we need to repeat and some things that we should never try again. Isn’t that life though? Live and learn...I’ve heard that my whole life and maybe just now understand what it means.

I appreciate all the students, staff and the community for their willingness to wear masks and follow the guidelines, no matter their personal opinions. Following these guidelines is our best shot at giving our kids the in-person learning they deserve.

It is also our only way to try and provide them with the much needed extracurricular activities. I do not want to think about the alternative of these babies missing out on things.

So, I close with this....when given the option, choose kindness. I also ask you to remind me and remind each other to choose kindness. This pandemic has people on edge...our kids, our staff and our community need kindness more than ever. 

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