Inspiring message of hope and forgiveness at Auburn
By Rhonda Powell

Posted on January 1, 0001 12:00 AM

Rhonda is counselor at Auburn School.

On Tuesday, Nov. 30, we will be having a very special guest in Auburn. Missy Jenkins Smith, the young lady paralyzed from the chest down from a gunshot wound she suffered in the 1997 school shooting at Heath High School in Paducah, will be our guest. She is a remarkable young lady who has had to overcome many obstacles in her life, but has done so with such grace and strength.

Missy will be speaking to our 4th-8th grade students during an Auburn School assembly. She will be focusing on issues such as bullying, being kind to others, forgiveness, and making the best out of the situations you face in life. She is one of the most inspiring and motivating speakers I have ever heard.

I truly believe that having her speak will be beneficial to all who hear her. That is why we have also scheduled her to speak to the community at 6 p.m. as well. The evening session will be for anyone interested in coming and listening to her story. If you have ever faced difficult moments and wondered how you could ever get through them, you need to come.

If anyone has a reason to be angry, it would be Missy. At 16 years of age, her life completely changed as a result of the gunshot wound. However, she made the decision that she would not be defeated. In her book I Choose to be Happy, she chronicles her journey from victim to the person she is today. I have read her book and would recommend it to everyone to read. She will have copies available for sale at the evening session.

Please make every attempt to be at the Auburn school gym that evening. You will not be sorry!

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