SKYCTC to offer pharmacy tech certification prep course this spring
By Mark Brooks, SKYCTC

Posted on March 10, 2021 2:29 PM


To prepare job seekers for a rewarding career in the rapidly expanding pharmacy technology field, Southcentral Community and Technical College (SKYCTC) offers a Pharmacy Technician National Certification Prep Course beginning in April. This nine-week course prepares individuals new to the field and current technicians to take the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam® (PTCE®) that leads to the national PTCB Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT) Certification.

SKYCTC's Pharmacy Technician National Certification Prep Course will meet virtually on Tuesday evenings beginning April 13 through June 8 from 5:30 p.m. –7:30 p.m. This innovative course provides instructor-led virtual sessions combined with engaging web-based learning.

Participants gain an overview of the field of pharmacy technology in a variety of healthcare settings, including what skills are required of pharmacy technicians and the legal requirements and responsibilities for assisting a pharmacist. Some of the course topics include professional communication and customer service, patient care processes, and safety issues in addition to the PTCE® Exam content areas of medications, federal requirements, patient safety and quality assurance, and order entry and processing.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of pharmacy technicians is projected to grow over the next decade due to an increase in chronic illnesses, an aging population, and a larger number of health insurance participants in the United States. As a result, there is an escalating demand for prescription medications and consequently the people who supply them.

Additionally, pharmacy technicians who earn a national certification are assigned greater responsibility and tasks by a supervising pharmacist thus improving their career prospects and salary expectations.

As a convenience for participants, registration for the national PTCE® Exam and all books and materials are included in this course's cost, which is $1,704 per person. For group registrations, up to 50 percent off costs may be covered for eligible Kentucky companies through KCTCS TRAINS funding.

For more information about SKYCTC's Pharmacy Tech National Certification Prep Course, please contact Kasey Peters at (270) 901-4337.


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