Florida county sending truckloads of aid to Logan Tuesday
By Jim Turner

Posted on December 20, 2021 8:53 PM


The St. Lucie, Fla. Sheriff’s Department has sent two semi-trucks full of supplies and gift cards to the Logan County Extension Office. Local leaders plan on unloading and distributing at noon Tuesday.

The Logan County Chamber of Commerce has been coordinating the Logan County side of the outreach. Executive Director Polly Steenbergen has written in a message to Chamber members:

“Here is what we need from you:

*Invite people you know who were affected by the storms. We would like to give these supplies directly to those impacted.

*Bring trucks and trailers. Once unloaded, we ask that you make deliveries to those areas affected.

*Share this info on Social Media!

“To make this successful, we need to make sure the people who need these supplies are aware of how and when to get them.”

WPTV in Fort Pierce, Fla., reports, “Floridians know well the destructive powers of Mother Nature. So, when tornadoes ripped through Kentucky, St. Lucie County Sheriff Ken Mascara and Chief Deputy Brian Hester said they felt compelled to help.”

They chose Logan County because of significant damage in Logan County from the Dec. 11 tornado which left 40 houses destroyed and many more damaged.

Steenbergen told the television station that most of the help the county has received has been from within the community

"In our area specifically, I'd say that we're helping our own," Steenbergen said. "We haven't seen a lot of outside help come here."

That is why Hester said they decided to help Logan County.

"This was one of the more rural towns that wasn't as well known, that really hadn't had as many supplies, so our goal is to fill these semis as quick as we can," Hester told the TV station.

Long-time Logan Countians Bobby and Martha Elrod retired to Florida several years ago and live in St. Lucie County. They are among many residents who donated needed items and gift cards which will be distributed Tuesday.




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