Sessions planned for those involved in Contemplative Farming
By Jim Turner

Posted on February 5, 2025 9:02 AM


Tis the season for … Contemplative Farming.

There are lots of P words involved.

While there’s not much physical activity in raising most crops—especially since most of us don’t strip tobacco anymore, the winter months generally provide time for those involved in agriculture to farm mentally—that’s Contemplative Farming. It includes picturing beautiful fields full of lush, weed-free plants producing profitable fruits, grains, vegetables, pastures and, yes, profits.

For this to happen, though, a great deal of planning and preparation are a must.

The Logan County Extension Service is offering several sessions at the Extension Office this month designed to help produce perfection.

It starts tomorrow (Thursday) with the annual Agriculture Appreciation Luncheon, beginning at 11:30 a.m. Kentucky Commissioner of Agriculture Jonathan Schell will be the speaker. The event is free but those attending are asked to RSVP by calling the Extension Office today at 270-736-6323.

Then on Friday comes the KY-TN Grain Day. Registration opens at 7:30 a.m., and the program begins at 8:10, the trade show is open until 1, and sessions last until 1:45. Topics include a grain market update, weed management, nutrient efficiency, corn and soybean disease updates, and dealing with weather extremes. Register today by calling 270-726-6323 or email

Private Pesticide Applicator Training will be offered next Monday, Feb. 10, beginning at 5:30 p.m. or the following morning at 9:30. Anyone making an application of a Restricted Use Product, including the person handling the product during mixing of the pesticide and loading the sprayer/spreader, must be a certified pesticide applicator. This training is in-person.

The Extension Service will host an informational meeting on Monday, Feb. 17, at 6:30 p.m. on Livestock "Revenue" Protection. LRP is a risk management tool to help protect livestock investment based on current market trends. A meal will be provided, and RSVPs are needed for an accurate head count. 

The Logan County Cattlemen quarterly meeting will be held March 8 at 6:30 p.m.

Do you need Tobacco Gap training this year? It will be available on Monday, March 10, at 9:30 a.m. at the Logan County Extension Office. The meeting is free to attend but RSVP is encouraged by calling 270-726-6323 to register. Those attending should bring a Tobacco GAP card and a photo ID.


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