KDW and EPA warn of water drainage into sinkhole issues
By Jim Turner

Posted on January 17, 2018 6:47 PM

Kentucky Division of Water and EPA monitor any practices that may result in surface or groundwater pollution concerns. Recently they have become more aware of activities in Kentucky to drain surface runoff into sinkholes or into the groundwater systems.

These efforts to drain surface water into groundwater are becoming more common and as a result are being monitored more closely by EPA. These types of drainage wells are required to be registered with EPA for potential monitoring.

Craig Givens, who is Natural Resources Planner for the Russellville division of USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, has documents available on the law and regulations regarding this. He can be reached at 270-726-2618, Extension 3.

Givens says, “As always, be careful when directing or improving agriculture drainage systems. This may lead to increased loads of sediment, nutrients or other potential pollutants into the water systems. The standard agriculture water quality practice recommends to maintain grass buffer areas around open sinkholes or other potential groundwater openings to help filter out pollutants before entering groundwater systems.”

Anyone with specific questions can contact:

Robert Olive

US EPA, Region 4

Ground Water and UIC Section

Atlanta Federal Center, MC 9T25

61 Forsyth Street

Atlanta, GA 30303-8960




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