A new year, a new GED
By Pam Morgan

Posted on February 6, 2014 4:47 PM

The new year has brought to Kentucky Adult Education an all new GED exam. What does this mean for the people that are interested in earning their GED? How has the test evolved over the years and why is a change needed?

The GED exam was first implemented in 1942.The testing program’s origins were rooted in educating military personnel returning from World War II. The GED® test soon spread beyond service members, becoming a pathway for adults who didn’t finish school to earn a high school-equivalency credential; thus providing an opportunity to go to college, trade/vocational school, or gain employment. The GED® test is America’s only nationally recognized high school-equivalency test. Since 1942, the GED® test has been an important part of the country’s education and a vital second-chance opportunity.

As times change so does education.Adult Education is not the only curriculum that has changed. High school graduation requirements have also changed. Today’s high school graduate must meet higher math, reading, and writing standards than their parents who had more rigorous standards than their parents. Today’s employers need workers that can effectively read, understand, and implement policies and procedures.

Since the first GED Test, there have been four updates. Each time the re-design of the exam

was made in order to better meet the demands of employers. Previously, the 2002 test was in paper/pencil form with five sections: Language Arts Reading, Language Art Writing, Math, Science and Social Studies. Students had to take five sections at one testing time.

Now the 2014 GED Test is computer based, and has four sections: Reasoning through Language Arts, Mathematical Reasoning, Science and Social Studies. Students are no longer required to take all sections at the same time. This allows a student to test in one or more sections, when both the student and instructor agree the student is ready. The new test GED is now aligned with the Kentucky Common Core Standards, and these standards are reflective of K-12 Standards.

Is the new test harder? There are some aspects of the math portion that are beyond what we have been teaching the last decade. However, there were parts of the 2002 exam that were not on the 1998 version. The changes reflect then needs of the country.

How is the new test provided to Logan County? Students have been able to test in Logan County monthly and soon the 2014 GED Test will be available more frequently each month at the Logan County Professional Learning Center located at 121 South Spring Street. Certified Test Proctors are trained using a new ID system, administering the new on-line test and evaluating test procedures.

Pearson Vue, the parent company that administers the GED, has spent years developing the new exam, and the last two years informing the country that it was coming. As a staff, we have been preparing for at least two years through professional development trainings.

Now, what is a person interested in earning their GED to do? First thing: Don’t panic! The staff is ready to help! All services are free and confidential. We have a variety of class offerings: mornings, afternoon computer study labs, evenings, and English as a Second Language classes at the Logan County Adult Learning Center. GED classes are also available at the Auburn Branch Library on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

If you have wanted to start on your GED, now is a great time! Classes and supplies are still free and there are some scholarships available for testing fees for qualifying students. Give Logan County Adult Education a call at 270-726-8777 in Russellville and 270-542-8180 in Auburn to arrange an orientation appointment today. We will walk you through each step needed to prepare for the GED.

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