Congratulations to our Panther Football team on a very impressive season opening victory over Trigg County! We look forward to their continued growth and success with this season!
We have many activities taking place this week and we encourage everyone to come out and support our student athletes as they represent our school with pride!
Specifically, on Tuesday, Aug. 25, we will be highlighting our middle school volleyball team with a student section during their match with Chandlers. This game will be played in the high school gym and the first 25 students in the student section will receive a free slice of pizza! All elementary and middle school students will be admitted free to this event! We hope to pack the stands to show support of our middle school volleyball program!
In past years, we have administered the MAP assessment from NWEA to our students to determine how they are performing in math, reading and language arts. We are no longer using this program as we have contracted with a company called Edmentum.
This program has two components—PLATO and Study Island. The PLATO system contains on-line courseware for credit recovery, and other courses that can provide our students with needed credits. PLATO also houses the assessment system that will take the place of our MAP assessments.
Students have already begun working on these assessments and should have three completed by the end of this week. The great aspect about this program that wasn’t offered by MAP/NWEA is that each individual student will receive a “prescription” of courseware to complete that is individualized and specific to their needs. This will easily allow for not only remediation but also for enrichment opportunities for our students during our RTI period.
The second component of Edmentum is called Study Island. This component is being used by our teachers to help support the regular classroom instruction and is also designed to help meet the individual needs of our students. There will be more information forthcoming about this program and our implementation plan to ensure that we are using this to best serve our student population. If you have questions about this program or process, please feel free to contact us for more details.
All of our students have also been assigned to an academic advisor with whom students will meet on Wednesdays during our Academic Advisory period. Our vision for this program is for each student in grades 6-12 to have an advocate who can help guide and advise during their middle/high school careers so that students are making the best possible choices for their futures. During this time period, students will be exposed to character education through The Harbor, a Renaissance program, as well career and academic advising opportunities.
Upcoming Events
8/24 Monday
Golf vs. Allen Co. Rolling Hills
MSSB vs. Franklin-Simpson-5:30
HSVB @ Todd Co.-5:30
JVFB @ Logan-6:00
Soccer vs. Franklin-Simpson-5:30 (City Park)
8/25 Tuesday
HSVB @ Metcalfe-5:30
MSVB vs. Chandlers-5:30
8/26 Wednesday
MS Picture Day (8:30-11:00)
ADVISORY Lesson in A/A
8/27 Thursday
Ambassador Meetings During A/A Time
HS at 11:00-11:40
MS at 12:20-1:10
HSVB @ Glasgow-5:30
MSSB @ Moss-5:30
MSVB @ Olmstead-5:30
Soccer @ Logan Co. (City Park)
8/28 Friday
·Panther Football vs. Fort Campbell-7:00