Russellville Middle improves test scores significantly
By Kim McDaniel, Principal

Posted on October 16, 2016 9:02 PM

Report cards were mailed home to Russellville Jr/Sr High School students on Friday. Included with the envelopes are the 2016 Spring KPREP reports for your student(s). If there is not a KPREP report, this means one of two things: 1. The student didn’t take KPREP tests in the spring. 2. The student tested at another school and we haven’t received those reports yet, as those are mailed to the former school. As soon as those are sent to us, we will send those home.

I want to take this opportunity to commend our middle school students and staff for our Spring 2016 KPREP scores. Overall, the middle school improved nearly 10 points from the previous year. The middle school is now classified as a PROFICIENT School and only missed being a DISTINGHUISHED School by 5 tenths of a point! We are so unbelievably proud of our students and their accomplishments.

While we still have areas on which we will continue to focus, please know how much the teachers of our school are striving daily to reduce the number of novice scoring students and move them toward Proficiency.

The high school is still listed as a Needs Improvement school on the school report card while missing the Proficient cut off by a few points. Teachers are working daily on analyzing student data, improving instructional practices and providing the needed skills to reduce the number of novice scoring students in all content areas.

Our goal is for both the middle and the high school to be Distinguished schools and we are working daily to ensure that happens.

If you have any specific questions about your student’s score report, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will also be hosting a Parent-Teacher Conference night on Nov. 3 from 4:30-7:30. During this time, you will be able to schedule a block of time to meet with all teachers or just those who you consider a priority, based on the student’s report card for the first nine weeks.

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