Jessalyn Robey, Meleea Reno earn FFA American degrees
By Lindsey Brinkley, Chapter Reporter

Posted on September 1, 2019 6:02 PM


In the FFA organization, members receive different levels of degrees based on their activities in the program. While many members receive their Chapter degree, and some receive their State degrees, less than 1 percent of members are able to receive their American degrees. Two of Logan County’s outstanding alumni have recently been awarded their American degrees.

Jessalyn Robey and Meleea Reno graduated from Logan County High School in 2018. Jessalyn served as chapter president and Meleea served as chapter vice president. Jessalyn also served as the Barren River Regional president. Both of these girls served our chapter so well and we are very blessed to have them as part of our alumni chapter as well.

Since high school, Jessalyn has been attending the University of Kentucky and Meleea has been attending WKU.

In October, both will be recognized as American Degree recipients at the National FFA Convention.

We are so proud of Jessalyn and Meleea and are excited to see where the future takes them!

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