Logan Schools to decide weekly about mask mandate
By Madison Rose Kirby, Logan County Schools

Posted on October 28, 2021 6:40 PM


Logan County Schools has continued to closely monitor public health and local data since we returned to school in August. We have also implemented the voluntary test-to-stay program at every school.

Cases peaked in September (with an incident rate as high as 130, with over 500 quarantines across the district), and we have seen a significant decrease since returning from Fall Break.

Logan County Schools will continue to monitor the county incidence rate, review weekly county average, assess rolling county averages weekly/monthly to determine trends, individual school data including school quarantines and positive cases (staff and student), and local/regional hospital capacity (this includes ICU, and the number or ventilators available).

Reviewing these data points, Logan County Schools will decide on a weekly basis whether or not masks will be required at each school. The district will make the announcement by 6 p.m. each Friday, beginning Friday, Oct. 29.

Per federal mandate (42 CFR §§ 70.1, 71.1), masks are still required on school buses at all times, regardless of the school masking status. The safety of our students and staff is our utmost priority.

We thank you for your continued support and cooperation.

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