A tribute to Tom Noe
By Nelson Weaver

Posted on May 19, 2024 8:03 PM


The following is a tribute to Tom Noe, who passed away a few days ago.

Yes, we disagreed, now and then, so what? He was a good man and I grieve his passing.

Tom Noe was a friend of mine. Most people know of our relationship through our infamous political debates, mostly on Facebook and WRUS radio. That snapshot view is unfortunate, because it does not reflect a complete picture of Tom or of our friendship.

Tom and I became friends while I was doing research for a novel. It is impossible to write about the history of Logan County, Kentucky, and not include the history of Tom’s family. His law office was packed with pictures. Every picture illustrated a piece of Kentucky and/or national history. Tom’s library is a treasure.

We spent a great deal of time in person. email, and by phone. Not surprisingly, I learned there was much more to Tom than his political spirit. He was, in fact, a kind and generous person who felt deeply for others. Tom was smart and well educated. He was taking college history classes well into his late 70s. He read and studied to keep his mind sharp and to prepare for the next discussion. To challenge Tom in conversation, the challenger had best be prepared.

Tom was a writer who researched, organized, and wrote details of Logan County history never provided before.

Tom Noe was a champion for civil rights. He believed in equal justice, and in a universal moral obligation to treat all our brothers and sisters with dignity and respect; no exceptions.

Tom studied economics. He was keenly aware of the relationships between government policy, wealth. poverty, and social behavior. No one ever disputed his unwavering passion in the pursuit of a path to a better world.

Above all else was his dedication to his family and his faith. Tom looked to the love and compassion of both as his anchor and his inspiration for life.

It was an honor, a blessing, and a pleasure to have enjoyed a small piece of what Tom contributed to his wide sphere that surrounded him. His life and body of work touched the lives of thousands.

In the mist of great sorrow and grief, I pray his family and all who loved Tom, will find comfort that the legacy of Tom Noe will endure for many years to come.

God Bless

Nelson Weaver


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