The Logan County JROTC Rifle team won the state championship Saturday at the Kentucky State Rifle Championships in Henderson. “We have a large team with a lot of great kids!” the group’s Facebook page says.
Logan took First Place in both Categories, Advanced and First Year.
In the Advanced Category, LCHS had the top three shooters individually in the State. They were:
1st Place Addison Connelly (2-time champion)
2nd Place Elijah Head
3rd Place Brett Triplett
In the First Year Shooter category, June Russell took 3rd place.
Last weekend, Logan County Rifle team had a great competition today in the Northwest High School rifle tournament. The Advance team took 2nd place overall with Connelly taking 2nd place with a 264.
The New Shooter team took 1st place with June Russell taking away 1st place with a 249 and Jenna Gray taking 3rd with a 239.