Adairville seeking pictures of old area schools
By Lori Bouldin, Adairville Teacher

Posted on October 26, 2016 5:03 PM

Adairville is in the process of remodeling our school, and one big project we are trying to accomplish is a “museum” hallway that features Adairville School and community’s rich history. We would like our gallery to display pictures (inside or outside photos) of the following:

1. The Adairville Male and Female Academy (1860).

2. The Adairville Training School (post-Civil War around 1865).

3. The Adairville Training School for blacks only before integration; maybe known as the Rosenwald School (1917).

4. The Adairville Consolidated High School 1st-12th grades (late 1930’s).  This was the only high school in the county for black students until 9th-12th consolidated with Russellville City Schools to save money.

5. The “Little School” located by Odom’s Sausage Plant near Red River (1950’s or 60’s)

6. Independence South/Possum Hollow on Schley Rd.

7.  Any of the one room school houses located in South Logan

8.  Any pictures of the Adairville Dinky or Depot, the train that rain through town

9.  Old pictures of Strawberry Festival events that depict what Adairville used to look like.

In my opinion, this project is not just good for Adairville School, but also for the betterment of Logan County. Any time we can get adults to reflect on the past and children to appreciate their history, we are doing a great work.

Most of the accompanying pictures were supplied by Mayor Donna Blake. The Class of 1962-63 is from Robbie Scott.

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