Westerfield seeking state supreme court justice

Posted on June 2, 2019 5:45 PM


On Wednesday, State Senator Whitney Westerfield filed for Kentucky Supreme Court, 1st District, from his hometown of Hopkinsville. The current chairman of the Senate Standing Committee on Judiciary, Westerfield says he has launched his campaign to uphold the constitution and defend the rule of law in Western Kentucky.

Westerfield is in his second term representing Logan, Todd and Christian counties in the state senate.

The 1st District is comprised of the following counties: Logan, Allen, Ballard, Butler, Caldwell, Calloway, Carlisle, Christian, Crittenden, Edmonson, Fulton, Graves, Hickman, Hopkins, Livingston, Lyon, Marshall, McCracken, McLean, Muhlenberg, Simpson, Todd, Trigg, and Webster.

Westerfield’s message of constitutional integrity is a direct response to justices who put political beliefs before legal obligations. “The Supreme Court of Kentucky is the court of last resort in our Commonwealth,” said Westerfield. “We cannot afford to let passion or prejudice cloud our judgment at this level. We trust the Supreme Court to uphold and defend the rule of law and that is precisely what I commit to do as Kentucky’s next 1st District Justice.”

Westerfield has served as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee since his first election to the Senate in 2012. He sponsored Senate Bill 200 in 2014 which brought about the largest reform to Kentucky’s juvenile justice system in 30 years. Westerfield is also committed to developing services that protect victims of crime, including the push for Marsy’s Law.

Westerfield has been an active member of the Kentucky Bar since October 2006. As an attorney, Westerfield has experience prosecuting criminals, working with law enforcement throughout Western Kentucky, and working with clients in his private, civil practice. “I have spent my career protecting the rule of law,” said Westerfield. “I know I can do good work as someone who abides by the constitution, guarding the rights of all Kentuckians from the highest court in the Commonwealth.”

Kentucky's nonpartisan judicial elections will take place in the statewide general election on Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2019. For more details on this campaign, visit WhitneyWesterfield.com.


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