Guion 4th of July Kiddie Parade to resume Mond
By Jim Turner

Posted on June 27, 2022 7:54 PM


The Bob and Joyce Guion 4th of July Kiddie Parade will be held Monday, July 4, and will begin at the long-time home of the late Guion namesakes on Russellville’s West Eighth Street.

The Guions originated the parade when their children—Carol (Switzer), Janice (Threlkeld), and the late Julie Steele—were young in the 1950s and ‘60s. It continued for decades.

This year’s parade is being sponsored by the Colonel Benjamin Logan Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution. Members of the SAR will be among the leaders of the parade and they will be in unifoms

Parade assembly will begin at 9:30 a.m. on West Eighth near the SEEK Museum. The parade will begin at 10.

All children are invited to decorate a bike, trike, wagons etc. Battery power welcome, but please no motorized vehicles. Parent participation is encouraged. Refreshments will be provided.

Contact information: David Guion 270-779-1521 or Richard Holloman 270-772-0119


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