Whitfield votes to reauthorize ag disaster assistance
By Staff Release

Posted on January 1, 0001 12:00 AM

U.S. Rep. Ed Whitfield, (KY-01), Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Energy and Power who represents Logan County in the House of Representatives, voted Thursday to reauthorize the agriculture disaster assistance programs, including Livestock Indemnity Payments (LIP), Livestock Forage Disaster Programs (LFP), Emergency Assistance for Livestock, and the Tree Assistance Program (TAP).

“Today I joined the majority in Congress to pass a bill that provides disaster relief for our livestock producers,” Whitfield said. “Farmers always face decisions that carry very serious financial ramifications, such as planting a crop, buying land or building a herd, and they need clear and confident signals from those of us in Congress. I would have preferred to vote on a five-year farm bill, but we need to make sure that bill is complete and not rushed for political expediency. I do believe it is imperative that Congress pass and the President sign into a law a five-year farm bill reauthorization.”

The United States is facing its worst drought since 1956. In Kentucky, all or part of 16 counties in the First Congressional District are experiencing D-4 drought conditions, the worst level, and five more counties are at D-3 drought conditions. The Supplemental Agricultural Disaster Assistance bill, H.R. 6233, reauthorizes disaster assistance programs that expired at the end of fiscal year 2011. This bill allows farmers to retroactively be covered for disaster assistance in fiscal year 2012.

The 2008 Farm Bill is set to expire on Sept. 30, 2012. The House Committee on Agriculture approved a new five-year farm bill, but that bill has not yet been brought up for a vote by the full House of Representatives.

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