Excellence rating awarded to LCAE
By Diane Crawley

Posted on January 1, 0001 12:00 AM

For the second consecutive year, Logan County Adult Education has been awarded Excellence rating from the Kentucky Adult Education. “This is quite an achievement to receive the award back to back,” stated Sharyl Markham, ABE instructor and data specialist. “The staff has worked hard throughout the year to maintain high standards in all aspects of adult education.”

The excellence rating is given to adult education programs that meet several state established goals, including number of GED attained and total overall enrollment. Last school year, LCAE not only met all of the GED goals, but exceeded it by an additional 4 percent.  In addition to state recognition as an Excellence facility, LCAE will also receive a performance funding. This funding is in addition to the state grant used for general support and must go specifically into student and classroom supplies.

The staff at LCAE works continuously to fine tune the curriculum to meet GED standards while simultaneously filling the learning needs of the individual students. For two years LCAE has been offering night classes and this last July provided a brief three-week summer session. The night classes are now in session on Monday and Tuesday evenings from 4:45 – 6:45.

An upcoming event that the staff and council are looking forward to is a fund-raising event coordinated with Barnes and Noble. Assistant Director Pam Morgan has been working with the Bowling Green Barnes and Noble store and has secured the date of Friday, Nov. 23 as the LCAE Book Fair date. On that date as much as 12 percent of book sales within the store will be donated to Logan County Adult Education. This is quite exciting as it is the Friday after Thanksgiving, the biggest shopping day of the year. Please save this date. Within the month of November, you will see Bookfair vouchers that can be presented upon checkout. You don’t shop on that day? Not a problem, you can also order from the Barnes and Noble website beginning Nov. 23 through Nov. 30. Enter the Voucher ID# and proceeds will still be donated to LCAE. Please be on the look-out for more information in the future. Mark your calendars today.

LCAE is a non-profit agency and is supported solely through grants and donations. Direct donations are always welcome and can be mailed to P.O. Box 880, Russellville 42276 or you can visit us at 121 South Spring Street, Monday through Friday. We are also looking for volunteers who are interested in tutoring our students.

If you have any questions, or would like to enroll in a free class, please don’t hesitate to call. 726-8777. The staff would love to hear from you.

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