Trio of schools report Good News to county board

Posted on January 1, 0001 12:00 AM

At the monthly meetings of the Logan County Board of Education, each of the six schools is invited to submit “Good News” reports about the school since the last board meeting.

At the August meeting this Tuesday, three of the schools submitted reports. They are as follows:


·         The FRYSC had several students from Adairville and other schools featured in the Leadership Showcase held at LCHS on Opening Day.  We are so proud of the amazing talents of our students, and as a spin-off, two of our middle school students, Cassidy Chambers and Dominique Goin, led our school in singing the 7 Habits song as a part of back-to-school week festivities. 

·         Six students from Adairville are participating in the Dream Riders Program, and they have a new arena. The six students are Lawrence Baker, Drake Baker, Larkin Shoulders, Carly Duncan, and Joshua and Jeremy Hardin.  Jennifer Baker, kindergarten teacher, is active in the program which introduces students with disabilities to horseback riding as a therapeutic activity.

·         Sixth grade student, McKenna Smith, has returned to school after a year-long battle with leukemia.  McKenna still has some battles to win, and we ask for your continued support for her full recovery.

·         P.E. teacher Todd Webb gained a Health Education certification (K-12) last week via the TC-HQ method. It is based on a points system that accounts for PD in the subject, passing the PRAXIS in that subject, and years of experience teaching the subject. PE & health teachers can gain the complimentary certification this way if they don’t have it, and core subject teachers (math, science, etc.) can gain certification for lower grade levels if they do not already have it.

·         We are discovering and developing the Leaders in ALL of us! Our morning assemblies for the first week and a half of school were led by administration, teachers, and staff, and beginning Aug. 12, our morning assembly are being conducted by students as we begin to implement the Leader in Me philosophy and showcase our students’ leadership abilities. Our eighth grade students are taking the lead first, followed by 7th grade, and will continue through the grades until all grades, K – 8, have had the opportunity to lead morning assembly.


  • Parent/Family member attendance at Chandler’s Open House prior to the start of school was at 90 percent.
  • Over 80 elementary students completed “Summer Fun” work designed to bridge the gap between their previous grade and the new school year.  


  • On June 1, Olmstead became one of 375 schools nationwide to receive support to implement the Presidential Youth Fitness Program through the program’s inaugural Funding Opportunity. Launched last September by the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition and First Lady Michelle Obama, the national program promotes fitness and physical activity for the improved health of America’s youth through use of the Fitnessgram fitness testing module.
  • Justin Adams, a middle school language arts teacher at Olmstead, had an original poem selected for publication in the September issue of 2nd & Church, a nationally distributed literary journal based out of Nashville.
  • Seventh grade is studying a Creek unit and will be "field-tripping" to the Whippoorwill Creek in the next couple of weeks. Students are working on experiments and problems in class before they go to identify any problems the creek and its inhabitants might have. An expert from the Todd/Logan Water District will check the water for contaminants. 

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