Good News for Logan schools, October 13

Posted on January 1, 0001 12:00 AM

Each month the Logan County Board of Education receives a Good News Report from each of the school’s in the district. The September report follows:


·         The first annual FRYSC/Title 1 Family Night was a huge success. Over 250 students, family members, and staff were in attendance at the “Cardinal Dynasty” Family Picnic which was a Duck Dynasty-themed event.

·         Adairville School was featured in the Kentucky Teacher, KDE’s award-winning online publication, during the week of Oct. 7 for becoming the first school in the state to be designated four times as a Kentucky School to Watch.

·         Adairville Middle School students had the highest attendance in the 4th region on high attendance day - Wednesday, Sept. 18. The attendance rate on this date was 99.16 percent!

·         Ms. Jennifer Baker’s and Mrs. Tanya Reeder’s kindergarten classes learned about community helpers and how they can be proactive in the Adairville community. They visited the Adairville Fire Department, the library, the bank, and the post office.

·         Adairville fourth and fifth grade students toured Mammoth Cave in September and learned about karst topography, hydrology, and geology.


·         Auburn Elementary School was one of five Kentucky Schools to be named a 2013 National Blue Ribbon School.


·         On Sept. 9, Chandler's had nearly 100 students and parents in attendance for Parent Night. Primary and intermediate students presented an overview of the Leader in Me Program. Parents also learned more about Singapore Math and ways to help students with homework. Middle school families attended a session with a guest speaker from the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority. They learned more about the importance of the EXPLORE test and gained knowledge about planning for higher education. Each family in attendance received a copy of the book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families.


  • Lewisburg School held its first Leadership/Hall of Fame night on Friday, September 20th. Fourteen former alumni were inducted into the Hall of Fame: Hattie Ruth Shelton, Buddy Price, Joe Milam, Major John Stovall, Larry Forgy, the late Otis Foulks, Alice Lynn Forgy Kerr, Neal Webb, Donald Holloway, Fadocia Nole Hall, Aaron Johnson, Zak Danks, Debbie Steele and the late Corp. Joshua M. Moore. The entire evening was student-led as students introduced parents and guests to the Leader in Me initiative and the 7 Habits of Happy Kids, made speeches about each Hall of Fame inductee, and hosted a hospitality room for guests. Following the induction ceremony, students, families and guests participated in reading and math activities. Over 300 people were in attendance with approximately 85 families represented.


  • Olmstead Lady Rams’ volleyball team is the 2013 Logan County Champions.
  • 8th graders have been reading the novel Hattie Bigsky. The main character has a friend in WWI. She and her friend write back and forth, and Hattie crocheted him socks. Our students have crocheted bookmarks, collected items for goodie bags, and have written letters to soldiers in Afghanistan and South Korea. The soldiers in Afghanistan will receive their packages via mail, and the soldiers in South Korea will receive their packages via Mrs. Bonnie Watson, assistant principal of Olmstead, who will be visiting her military son there over fall break.
  • Four seventh grade girls (Carlie Alvis, Blayke Bingham, Abi Lindsey, and Rachel Taylor) wrote an article that is to be published in the News Democrat about the Creek Project done at the beginning of the year. It should be published in the coming weeks.
  • Local Historian Mark Griffin and Supreme Court Justice Bill Cunningham spoke with 8th graders on Tuesday, Sept. 24 about Night Rider events that took place both locally and abroad.


·         Lin Cropper made a difference in the lives of youth this summer as a volunteer camp leader at a Boy Scout camp operated by the Middle Tennessee Council – Boy Scouts of America.

·         Ellis Chase competed in the 4-H State Archery Tournament in Lexington. Ellis’ outstanding archery skills awarded him 1st place overall in the Bowhunter Division age 12-14. In addition, Ellis’ combined archery performance awarded him 1st place team trophy in the target bow division, ages 12-14.

·         Attendance for Academic Success Winners for August were 9th grader Jacquelynn Hyde and 11th grader Carley Utley. September’s winners were 9th grader Callie Butler and 11th grader HunterGloyd.



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