Mayor Zick chooses not to seek reelection
By Jim Turner

Posted on January 1, 0001 12:00 AM

Gene Zick will not give voters a third chance to "Pick Zick."
Zick announced this week that he will not run for another term as mayor of Russellville. He is beginning the final year of his first term as the county seat's chief executive officer.
"It s now time for me to look forward in another direction, to be with our families more in the future. Another important aspect is being available to help our families, who need us more often than we are now," he said in a prepared statement.

Six years ago he was the number one vote getter among candidates for Russellville City Council. Voters chose five newcomers to the city's legislative board, which came in the wake of voter dissatisfaction. That was apparently the result of an ill-fated attempt by the majority of the previous council to prove wrong-doing by the Electric Plant Board.
Joining Zick as new councilmen in January 2005 were Jack Whipple, Chuck Phillips, Mark Stratton and Lanny McPherson. The lone returning council member was Russell Jones, who had opposed the effort to discredit the EPB.

Two years later, Mayor Shirlee Yassney decided not to seek a third term, and Zick was elected mayor. The other five councilmembers were reelected along with newcomer Jimmy Davenport. In 2008, Phillips and Stratton didn't file for a third term, although Stratton later asked to be elected as a write-in. Elected to join Davenport, McPherson, Jones and Whipple were former councilwoman Pat Walpole Bell and newcomer Doug Nash.
Nash and Stratton had already filed their candidacies for mayor in 2010 before Zick made his intentions known. Among the eight current candidates for city council is Yassney. Jones-- the longest-serving council member in Russellville history-- has announced he will not for for a 13th consecutive term. Others have until Jan. 26 to file their candidacies.

There have been clashes between Zick and the council the past couple of years, just as there were in the final years of the terms of Yassney and of long-time mayor Ken Smith. This time city parks have proved to be of particular concern, including a now-aborted attempt to construct a fishing pond at the entrance to City-County Park and the on-going development of a soccer complex across from the National Guard Armory.

If Yassney is elected to a council seat, she would be the third former mayor to serve on the council after leaving the mayor's office. Smith and the late Everett Daniel served on the council after their terms as mayor had ended. Zick has indicated he will not be interested in further government service and that one of the decisions he and his wife Jane will have to make is whether to remain in Russellville or move to be closer to family in New Jersey and Massachusettes.

Zick, whose age has been listed at 74, moved to Russellville to work with Logan Aluminum. He is retired as a unit manager at the aluminum plant where he was in charge of the award-winning creation of the Wetlands at the massive industrial facility and grounds.

The following are two press releases from Zick. The first is his public statement to the media. The second includes his remarks to city employees.

Statement to the Media

I took this job as Mayor because I cared about my community and its citizens. My initial goals were to:
Provide Leadership and a New Direction
Run the City as A Business
Do What is Right for ALL the Citizens and the City
Bring Professionalism to the City
Retain our Existing Businesses
Push For Economic Development
Create an Atmosphere of Cooperation
I knew that the City Government affects the lives of all of its Citizens in so many ways. Here are just a few of some of the basic services:
Pick up Branches, leaves
Trash pick up
Sidewalks, speed bumps, street repairs
Snow and Ice removal
Water/Sewer issues, repairs, new lines, clean out and Costs
Recreational Activities, Quality of Life Services
Concerts, Parades and Holiday celebrations
Fire and Police protection
Most people take these and other services for granted, so it is our job to ensure we do everything we can to ensure there is never a disruption or lack of service.
With the limited tax dollars and employees, we have endeavored to be extremely resourceful in order to meet the growing demands for services. That is why we emphasized cost reductions, msnaging head count holding the line on property taxes and especially going after grants. It is because of the many grants we were able to obtain, that we did not have to spend the City’s money and were able to make many improvements.
I have been considering whether to run re-election for a long time, the decision not to run did not come very easy. For I have enjoyed working with the City’s Employees, for they are a very talented , capable and dedicated group of people.
They really have the welfare of the community as their main responsibility and take that very seriously. It is because of their initiative that we were able to make many improvements and were progressive in our approaches to the issues and problems, in order to resolve them satisfactory.
It s now time for me to look forward in another direction, to be with our families more in the future. Another important aspect is being available to help our families, who need us more often than we are now.
I want to thank you for the opportunity to serve you, being able to make a difference and to make the progress we have these past years.

Statement to Employees

Whether or not to run for re-election has been a very difficult decision for me to make. I really like doing this job, seeing the progress we have made, improvements in all areas.

Mostly the pleasure I derived has come from working with such a talented and conscious group of people. Most of the time we have had fun. Hearing the laughter from you is heart warming. It tells me you are enjoying working and working with me, as I have with you.

Despite the fact the hours can be long, the pay not so great, I didn’t do this job for the money. I have worked in many places all over this country, in many different capacities, with thousands of people. Working along side you has been a fantastically rewarding experience.

We still have a lot to get accomplished and I intend to get them done with your continued help.

There has been a lot to consider when making this decision, my wife, our kids, health,, family and you , in how you might be affected. I will do everything I can to ensure your well being.

Again, you really have the welfare of the community as your main responsibility and you take it very seriously. It is because of your initiative that we have made the advances we have in solving the many issues and problems.

I have been considering whether to run for re-election for a long time , the decision not to run did not come very easy. For I have enjoyed working with all the city’s employees , for they are a very talented, capable and dedicated group of people.

Its now time for me to look forward in another direction, to be with our families more in the future. Another important aspect is being available to help our families, who need us more often than we are now.

I want to thank you all for the opportunity to serve with you, being able to make a difference and to make the progress we have these past years.

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