RHS Band Boosters hosting wintergaurd & drumline competition, clinics
By Vanessa Priddy

Posted on January 1, 0001 12:00 AM

This Saturday, Feb. 20, the Russellville High School Band Boosters will be hosting the SCGC Winterguard and Drumline competitions. The Southeastern Colorguard Circuit consists of 119 Units from Kentucky, Tennessee and Alabama who compete on Saturdays for two months each year before championships. SCGC is associated with the WGI program.
We are very honored to have been chosen as one of the few schools/booster organizations to host a competition. This is a very competitive circuit and units spend an average of 15 hours per week in practice and several more hours in competitions.
Russellville High School will have 49 units from Kentucky and Tennessee at our school on that day. We expect over 900 students and over 1,000 visiting spectators to our school. The contest begins at 1:30 p.m. and will conclude at 9:30 p.m.; admission will be $7 for this event.
This is a wonderful opportunity to spotlight Russellville High School and our community. It can also lay the foundation for other sports and groups to host events from visiting schools.
There are 15 classes of competition in the SCGC circuit. Russellville has always been highly respected in its class. Over the years, we have had two winterguard units who have won their division in the SCGC circuit, and last year the RHS drumline was named Kentucky State Champion in its division.

The RHS Band Boosters will be hosting a FREE Colorguard/Winterguard clinic on Thursday, Feb. 18 for any Russellville student in grades 6 thru 11. The Thursday clinic is for anyone who is interested in becoming part of a colorguard/winterguard team, as shown in the video. Those interested are encouraged to attend this meeting from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. We are fortunate to have an instructor for Colorguard/Winterguard clinics who is one of the best in the circuit!
We will be hosting at least one free clinic per month for the next several months. Participants will learn dance along with flag, rifle and saber spinning. Male and female students compete in colorguard and winterguard circuits. This clinic is open only to Russellville students.
If you have any questions, please contact me at 847-0366 or rhsbandnews@hotmail.com.

Two videos are available. They are about three minutes each and show some of the best units in existence. Anyone who may be interested should see them. Links are as follows:
guard video http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid8328127001?bclid=0&bctid=45545622001
percussion http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid8328127001?bclid=0&bctid=45548032001
(You may have to copy each link and paste it into your browser, to see the videos)

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